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The University of Southampton
The Care Life Cycle

CLC to attend XXVII IUSSP International Population Conference

Published: 14 February 2013

CLC members will be presenting at the XXVII IUSSP International Population Conference in Busan, South Korea, 26 - 31 August 2013.

The XXVII International Population Conference will include over 2000 scientific papers presented in 270 regular sessions, 5 poster sessions, and 4 plenary sessions on topics in 21 themes including reproductive health, mortality, longevity and health, population ageing, migration, union formation and marriage, as well as themes addressing the interrelationship between population, development and the environment.

The CLC research papers accepted at the conference are:

  • Evandrou, M., Falkingham, J., Robards, J., Vlachantoni, A. 'Mortality and preceding housing transitions at older ages: evidence from Great Britain' (Poster)
  • Evandrou, M., Falkingham, J., Maslovskaya, O. and Vlachantoni, A. 'Pathways into long-term care accommodation in Britain: common aspects, differences and policy implications' (Presentation)
  • Hilton, J. Simulated Social Networks and Partner Search: Linking Social Interactions and Demographic Outcomes (Presentation)

For further information on the conference and bookings, visit the IUSSP website .

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