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The University of Southampton
The Care Life Cycle

British Society for Population Studies Annual Conference Event

7 - 9 September 2015
University of Leeds

Event details

Three CLC papers have been accepted for presentation at the annual BSPS conference which is taking place at the University of Leeds.

The British Society for Population Studies is interested in the study of human populations.

The three papers being presented by CLC members are:

"The risky business of asking for help: an agent‐based model of unmet need" by Jonathan Gray, Jakub Bijak and Seth Bullock

"How does social care need amongst older adults change over time in the UK?" by Amos Channon, Joe Viana, Sally Brailsford and Stuart Rossiter

"Health outcomes for informal carers in England and Wales – A longitudinal study using nationally representative census data for England and Wales" by Athina Vlachantoni, James Robards, Maria Evandrou and Jane Falkingham

Speaker information

Jonathan Gray,PhD student

Dr Amos Channon,Associate Professor in Demography

Dr Athina Vlachantoni,Associate Professor in Gerontology

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