The CLC team have presented their research findings at the following conferences and workshops
Brailsford, S. Silverman, E. Rossiter, S. Bijak, J. Shaw, R. Viana, J. Noble, J. Efstathiou, S. & Vlachantoni, A. (2011) 'Complex Systems Modelling for Supply and Demand in Health and Social Care'. Winter Simulation Conference, Arizona, 11-14 December 2011.
Evandrou, M. Falkingham, J. Maslovskaya, O. & Vlachantoni, A. (2011) [Poster] 'Transitions into residential care in later life:Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey (1991-2008)'. Multidisciplinary Conference on Ageing and Neuroscience, Southampton, 28 September 2011.
Evandrou, M. Falkingham, J. Maslovskaya, O. & Vlachantoni, A. (2011) 'Transitions into residential care in later life:Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey (1991-2008)'. British society of Population Studies Annual Conference, York, 7-9 September 2011.
Evandrou, M. Falkingham, J. & Vlachantoni, A. (2011) 'Investigating the Demand and Supply of Social Care in the UK'. The Gerontological Society of America Annual Conference, Boston, 18-22 November 2011.
Falkingham, J. (2011) 'The Care Life Cycle: Responding to the Health and Social Care Needs of an Ageing Society'. NIDI Workshop - Methodological advances and applications in healthy ageing studies, Netherlands, 29 April 2011.
Shaw, R. Evandrou, M. Falkingham, J. Luff, R. & Vlachantoni, A. (2011) [Poster] 'The Social and Demographic Determinants of the Disablement Process in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA)'. Multidisciplinary Conference on Ageing and Neuroscience, Southampton, 28 September 2011.
Shaw, R. Evandrou, M. Falkingham, J. Luff, R. & Vlachantoni, A. (2011) [Poster] 'The Social and Demographic Determinants of the Disablement Process in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA)'. Society for Social Medicine Annual Conference, Warwick, 14-16 September 2011.
Shaw, R. Evandrou, M. Falkingham, J. & Vlachantoni, A. (2011) [Poster] 'The determinants of the receipt of social care among older people in England: Results from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing'. Multidisciplinary Conference on Ageing and Neuroscience, Southampton, 28 September 2011.
Shaw, R. Evandrou, M. Falkingham, J. & Vlachantoni, A. (2011) 'The determinants of the receipt of social care among older people in England: Results from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing'. British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference, Plymouth, 5-7 July 2011.
Silverman, E. Bijak, J. & Noble, J. (2011) [Poster] 'Feeding the Beast: Can Computational Demographic Models Free Us from the Tyranny of Data'. Multidisciplinary Conference on Ageing and Neuroscience, Southampton, 28 September 2011.
Silverman, E. Bijak, J. & Noble, J. (2011) [Poster] 'Feeding the Beast: Can Computational Demographic Models Free Us form the Tyranny of Data'. European Conference on Artifical Life, Paris, 8-12 August 2011.
Viana, J. & Brailsford, S. (2011) [Poster] 'Forecasting Social Care Demand in Hampshire'. Multidisciplinary Conference on Ageing and Neuroscience, Southampton, 28 September 2011.
Viana, J. & Brailsford, S. (2011) [Poster] 'Forecasting Social Care Demand in Hampshire'. OR Applied to Health Services Annual Conference, Cardiff, 24-29 July 2011.
Vlachantoni, A. Shaw, R. Willis, R. Evandrou, M. Falkingham, J. & Luff, R. (2011) [Poster] 'Investigating unmet need for social care amongst older people'. Multidisciplinary Conference on Ageing and Neuroscience, Southampton, 28 September 2011.
Vlachantoni, A. Shaw, R. Willis, R. Evandrou, M. Falkingham, J. & Luff, R. (2011) 'Investigating unmet need for social care amongst older people'. British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference, Plymouth, 5-7 July 2011.