Clean Carbon panellists in: 'Financing your low carbon project' at the 5th annual Future South conference with keynote, Sir Vince Cable

The conference was held in Winchester's historic Guildhall. Members Dr Lindsay-Marie Armstrong, Chair of Clean Carbon, and Professor Richard Werner, Chair in International Banking at the Southampton Business School, took part in the post-lunch panel as part of a day exploring business opportunities from the growth of Future South. In the morning, the packed audience of 200 businesses leaders, technologists, academics and local authority representatives heard the five nominated businesses for the first ever David Green award and short films of the nominated projects were shown before the first panel session, on energy. Browse the full programme here.

After lunch Sir Vince presented the first ever David Green Award to the winner, SEaB Energy .
Their waste to energy units are an excellent embodiment of the vision of Future South which is that: “the development of a low carbon, green economy in the South will help stimulate sustainable economic growth, create jobs and reduce our carbon footprint. The region will become the national leader and internationally recognised for its low carbon, green economy. Sustainability will be at the heart of the sub-region’s success in generating economic growth, prosperity and improving quality of life.”
We dream of a world where waste is the fuel, there are no more diesel generators and everyone can produce their own power from their own waste...