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The University of Southampton
Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Culture

British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Department of Music

Published: 18 May 2009

Valeria De Lucca has been appointed to a British Academy Postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Southampton from 2009-2012. She will be working on a project entitled ‘ The Politics of Princely Entertainment: The Patronage of Music and Theatre of Lorenzo Onofrio and Maria Mancini Colonna between Rome, Venice, and Naples (1659-1689) '. Dr De Lucca joins the University after doctoral work at Princeton and a year at CRASSH in Cambridge, and will take up residence at the beginning of the next academic year. Dr De Lucca joins five other fully-funded research fellows in the Department of Music, and will work closely with other specialists in opera and in seventeenth-century music.

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