Study Day - Strong hold: the Castle in imagination and culture, 23rd January 2017

For the first of our series of events to coincide with Southampton City Art Gallery’s Capture the Castle exhibition, the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Culture at Southampton is seeking papers from members, and from staff and students specializing across the historical spectrum for our Castles Study Day. Gallery curator, Tim Craven, will give the keynote, explaining the rationale for the exhibition and the range of works that will be on show.
Participants might consider the medieval and renaissance castle as home, or home as castle; the idea of the castle as a word, or as metaphor, whether in Spain or in the air; the castle in military strategy, in literature, in music, in society, in the landscape, and in heritage; and medievalism’s reinventions of the castle.
Please submit your paper title and abstract of 50-100 words to Ros King and Andy King (; by 9 December 2016 .
Venue: Lecture Theatre C, Avenue Campus, 10.00-16.00, 23 January 2017.
Further events in this series will include a Lifelong Learning Study Day 17 June), an invited symposium including the annual Reuter Lecture given by John Goodall (week beginning 19 June), and various readings and performances at venues on campus and in the city. For further details please contact Mary Andrew,