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The University of Southampton
Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Culture

Postgraduate Visit Day 2015 Event

21 January 2015
Avenue Campus University of Southampton SO17 1BF

For more information regarding this event, please email Professor Catherine Clarke at .

Event details

Prospective postgraduate taught (MA) and postgraduate research students are invited to join us for our CMRC Visit Day on Wednesday 21 January 2015, which will run in conjunction with our Inter-disciplinary Study Day on the theme of ‘Conflict’. This is an opportunity to learn more about the CMRC, our community and our research. The Visit Day will include a series of presentations and discussions linked to our broad theme of ‘Conflict’, lunch with current CMRC students and staff, and an opportunity to see the University’s Avenue Campus.

The focus of this year’s CMRC Study Day looks at ‘Conflict’ broadly defined, but also it foregrounds the Hundred Years War and the commemoration of Agincourt.  The Agincourt expedition sailed from Southampton, and we will be marking the event with a major conference at the University, which we will host at Southampton 31 July 2015 to 3 August 2015. The Study Day is designed to open up inter-disciplinary conversation across the research specialisms of CMRC members, both staff and students. The keynote presentation will be given by Professor Valérie Toureille of the Université de Cergy-Pontoise, whose research interests include disorder, theft and brigandage in the later Middle Ages, crime and punishment, and war and society generally. Themes for consideration throughout the day will include the formalities of war, its organisation and logistics; representations of conflict in art and literature and music; conflict resolution and negotiation; fortifications and military equipment, both land-based and marine; domestic life and conflict; sources and evidence for conflict; different levels and nature of conflicts – social conflicts (class clashes), gender conflicts, economic or political conflicts (rebellion, civil war, international wars).

The Visit Day is an opportunity for prospective MA students to discover more about taught programme in the CMRC, and for prospective research students to learn about our postgraduate research programmes, and to meet potential supervisors. The event is timed to help inform and support funding applications via the University’s AHRC partnership (The South, West and Wales Consortium) and University of Southampton studentships.

CMRC Visit Day Outline Schedule (subject to final confirmation)

Wednesday 21 January 2015

9:15-9:45 Arrival at Avenue Campus, Building 65 (please report to Reception – see enclosed map)
9:45 Visit Day / Study Day begins

To include:
Plenary Lecture and Research Presentations
CMRC Postgraduate Study Information Session
Lunch with current CMRC staff and students

If you would like to join us, please contact Professor Catherine Clarke by Monday 12 January 2015 at the latest to reserve your place, or download the response slip here.

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