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The University of Southampton
Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Culture

The Reuter Lecture Event

27 May 2014
Lecture Theatre A Avenue Campus University of Southampton Highfield SO17 1BF

For more information regarding this event, please email Professor Chris Woolgar at .

Event details

Reuter Lecture 2014

The Reuter Lecture

The 2014 Reuter Lecture will be given by Dr Tessa Webber of Trinity College, Cambridge, on 'Talking Books: reading aloud in the Middle Ages'.

Lecture at 1800 hours, preceded by tea from 1730 hours, and followed by a reception given by the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Culture

Speaker information

Dr Tessa Webber,Trinity College, Cambridge,Research interests: The production, ownership and use of books in the Middle Ages; scribes and script in England, 11th-13th centuries.

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