Here is a list of our research studies and activities that currently are looking for participants.
At the University of Southampton and Southampton Children's Hospital, we are conducting a study looking at the experiences of children who were poorly after they were born, and received a therapy called "brain cooling".
We would like to study how these children are doing at school and home.
We also would like to see how their brain has developed after the difficult time they had as newborns. For this, we will take pictures of the brain using an "MRI scanner".
We are looking for children aged 6 to 8 years old who did not have any problems when they were newborns. We want to see if there are any differences with learning, and how they feel about things compared to the children who had "brain cooling". We would love to hear from you if you want to take part in this research, or if you simply want to learn more about this research.
You can email us, telephone us, and you can also get some information by looking at this webpage:
If you would like more information about taking part in the study, we would love to hear from you.
Please click on the button below to send us an email at :
We can also be reached via telephone: +44 023 8120 3036
This study has been reviewed by the Liverpool and North Central Ethics Committee.