18th QRA International Postgraduate Symposium

COARS staff reach out to the upcoming Quaternary scientific community at the 18th QRA International Postgraduate Symposium.
On Wednesday 28th August Dr Michael Grant, alongside Prof. Tony Brown (Geography and Environment, University of Southampton), Frank Green (New Forest National Park Authority) and representatives of Van Walt Ltd, led a congregation of over 20 delegates on a field trip to the New Forest as part of the 18th Annual QRA International Postgraduate Symposium, hosted this year at the University of Southampton. The field trip included visits to Stone Point, Lepe, to look at the Pleistocene terrace and interglacial deposits and Solent Basin and Cranes Moor, Burley, to view the Holocene mire sequences. Van Walt were on hand to demonstrate a wide range of their coring equipment and how it was adapted to sample different depositional environments. The field trip formed the perfect ice breaker to stimulate discussion amongst the delegates before two days of presentations, keynote speakers and debate that took place on the main Highfield campus.