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The University of Southampton
CORMSIS Centre for Operational Research, Management Sciences and Information Systems

CORMSIS seminar by Rhyd Lewis Event

16:00 - 17:00
6 March 2014
B2 / 3041

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Prof. Chris Potts on x23651 or email .

Event details

The fourteenth of CORMSIS seminar series.

Title: Applications of graph colouring techniques in operational research


This talk will outline some of the research, primarily carried out at Cardiff, concerning the graph colouring problem and its practical applications. We will consider some pertinent issues surrounding the comparison of graph colouring algorithms, before going on to look at four practical case studies: (1) social networks, (2) constructing wedding seating plans, (3) sports league scheduling, and (4) university timetabling.

Speaker information

Rhyd Lewis,Cardiff University

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