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The University of Southampton
CORMSIS Centre for Operational Research, Management Sciences and Information Systems

Joint CORMSIS/SORG/SIG Seminar Event

16:00 - 17:00
14 May 2015

For more information regarding this event, please email Sally Brailsford at .

Event details

How do you Solve a Problem like Analytics?

Abstract: " Analytics" seems to be everywhere, job adverts abound, companies talk of their analytics capabilities, and the press regularly report on activities in analytics.  Meanwhile, in the OR world, our US counterpart, INFORMS, have thrown huge resources at analytics.  So how should we, as UK based OR practitioners and academics, respond?  In this talk I shall reflect upon my own analytics journey which started in around 2006.  We shall ask what is analytics?  Is it just another fad or something that will stay?  And we shall finish by thinking about what this means for us.  Come ready to discuss your own ideas on how we “solve a problem like analytics.

Speaker information

Stewart Robinson,Loughborough University,STEWART ROBINSON is Professor of Management Science and Associate Dean Research at Loughborough University, School of Business and Economics. Previously employed in simulation consultancy, he supported the use of simulation in companies throughout Europe and the rest of the world. He is author/co-author of five books on simulation. His research focuses on the practice of simulation model development and use. Key areas of interest are conceptual modelling, model validation, output analysis and alternative simulation methods (discrete-event, system dynamics and agent based). Professor Robinson is co-founder of the Journal of Simulation and President of the Operational Research Society. He is helping to lead an OR Society Charitable Project on Analytics Education. Home page:

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