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The University of Southampton
CORMSIS Centre for Operational Research, Management Sciences and Information Systems

CORMSIS Seminar Event

15:00 - 16:00
23 April 2015

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Sally Brailsford on 23567 or email .

Event details

Reflections on two approaches to hybrid simulation in healthcare

Abstract: Hybrid simulation, the combination of simulation paradigms to address a problem is becoming more popular as the problems we are presented with become more complex. This is evidenced by an increase in the number of hybrid papers published in specific domains and the number of hybrid simulation frameworks being produced across domains. This paper focuses on two hybrid simulation models from a healthcare context. The first uses system dynamics and discrete-event simulation and was developed using two separate software tools (Vensim and Simul8). The second uses agent-based and discrete-event simulation and was developed in a single software environment, Anylogic. The reflections on these models add to the debate about the viability of hybrid modelling and suggest future steps to support the take up of the approach.

Speaker information

Joe Viana,Joe Viana is a Research Fellow in the Southampton Management School at the University of the Southampton, UK. He received a BSc with Honours in Sport and Health Science with Psychology, an MSc and PhD in Management Sciences from the University of Southampton. He is primarily interested in modelling health and social care systems, and in combing different simulation paradigms at different levels. His email address is

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