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The University of Southampton
CORMSIS Centre for Operational Research, Management Sciences and Information Systems

CORMSIS Seminar - Exploratory Studies on Operations-based Healthcare Service Innovation Event

16:00 - 17:00
16 March 2017
Room 3041 Building 2, Southampton Business School

For more information regarding this event, please email Dr Yuan Huang at .

Event details

Abstract of the talk: Service innovation involves considerable degree of collaborations between the providers and the receivers. To make the service innovation successful, the operations that create and shape user experiences along the customer journey must be carefully studied and designed. The dynamic and complex nature of healthcare service makes such operations-based innovation studies even more important. Some exploratory attempts have been made in this field, particularly focusing on tele-health service and healthcare facilitated networks. It is hoped that some feasible and self-sustainable health service innovation are to be developed from these operations-based studies.

Speaker information

Dr Jiun-Yu Yu,National Taiwan University,DPhil & MSc, Applied Statistics, Oxford; MSc, Operational Research, LSE; BA, Business Administration, National Taiwan University. Trained as an Operational Researcher and applied statistician, Dr Yu is interested in exploring the potential applications of these quantitative tools to healthcare service innovation. Research methods employed include simulation, system dynamics, analytics, service operations management, and design thinking.

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