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The University of Southampton
CORMSIS Centre for Operational Research, Management Sciences and Information Systems

Joint meeting of the Southern OR Group, the OR Society Simulation SIG and CORMSIS Event

16:00 - 18:30
18 June 2018
Building 2A, Room 2077

Event details

There will be two talks: "The Art and Science of Modelling" by Paul Fishwick (UT Dallas) and "Investigating the use of real-time data in nudging patients' emergency department attendance behaviour using the NHSquicker Platform" by Navonil Mustafee and John Powell (University of Exeter). Abstracts follow: "The Art and Science of Modelling" One of the characteristics of being human is to model. In our history, we began with representations of animals made from natural materials, and painted on cave walls.  We also made regular marks on animal bones. While the modern accounting of these products is art (animal representations) and mathematics (bone marks), a more comprehensive understanding points to modelling in both cases. We saw or imagined things, and then we made models of our experience. This talk will be a non-technical, cross-disciplinary, introduction to modelling. I will discuss (1) the history of modelling, (2) a way of thinking about modelling using three broad categories, (3) the notion that computer and information science is a form of modelling, and (4) approaches to modelling across disciplines – from art and humanities to business, science, and engineering. "Investigating the use of real-time data in nudging patients' emergency department attendance behaviour using the NHSquicker Platform" Decision-making in healthcare is a complex process involving multiple stakeholders. One such stakeholder category is the intended users of the system itself – the patients. We present a study in which users use real-time hospital operations data to make attendance choices. The aim of this research is to provide information transparency on Emergency Department /Minor Injury Unit (ED/MIU) waiting times which would allow recipients, including, significantly, patients who are in need of urgent medical attention, to make informed decisions as to the facility that could best serve their needs. This work is expected to contribute towards reducing pressure in ED by redistributing demand for minor ailments among the MIUs, since the MIUs have facilities for the treatment of minor injuries and the ED exists mainly for emergency and life-threating conditions.

Speaker information

Paul Fishwick,UT Dallas,Paul Fishwick is Distinguished University Chair of Arts and Technology (ATEC), and Professor of Computer Science at the University of Texas at Dallas. He has six years of industry experience as a systems analyst working at Newport News Shipbuilding and at NASA Langley Research Center in Virginia. He was on the faculty at the University of Florida from 1986 to 2012, and was Director of the Digital Arts and Sciences Programs. His PhD was in Computer and Information Science from the University of Pennsylvania. Fishwick is active in modelling and simulation, as well as in the bridge areas spanning art, science, and engineering. He pioneered the area of aesthetic computing, resulting in an MIT Press edited volume in 2006.  He is a Fellow of the Society for Computer Simulation, served as General Chair of the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), was a WSC Titan Speaker in 2009, and has delivered over 24 keynote addresses at international conferences. Fishwick has over 230 technical publications and has served on all major archival journal editorial boards related to simulation, including ACM Transactions on Modeling and Simulation (TOMACS) where he was a founding area editor of modelling methodology in 1990.  He is CEO of Metaphorz, LLC which assists the State of Florida in its catastrophe modelling software engineering auditing process for risk-based simulation for hurricanes and floods. This talk is part of the “Simulation SIG Paul Fishwick roadshow” co-sponsored by the UK OR Society and the Leverhulme Trust.

Navonil Mustafee and John Powell,University of Exeter ,Navonil Mustafee is Associate Professor of Operations Management & Analytics and Deputy Director of the Centre for Simulation, Analytics and Modelling (CSAM) at University of Exeter Business School. He is the founding co-chair of the Health and Care IMPACT Network and honorary researcher with Torbay and South Devon and RD&E Foundation Trusts. His interests are in hybrid systems modelling, hybrid simulation, healthcare analytics and bibliometric analysis. He is the current Chair of the OR Society’s Simulation SIG. John Powell is Professor of Strategy at Exeter University Business School. Prior to that he led the University of Stellenbosch Business School in Cape Town. His main research interests are in formal and semiformal methods applied to strategic problems and issues. These include representations of knowledge flow, scenario modelling, and, latterly, systems modelling of health and critical systems. He holds a PhD from Carnfield University and is a winner of HM the Queen’s Medal for Academic Excellence, and the President's Medal from the OR Society. The initial work was carried out with the Torbay & South Devon NHS Foundation Trust (TSDFT) and its network of Minor Injury Units (MIUs) and one Emergency Department (ED). It has since expanded to include several trusts in South West England, the creation of the Health & Care IMPACT Network, and the development of the NHSquicker platform.

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