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The University of Southampton
CORMSIS Centre for Operational Research, Management Sciences and Information Systems

Sigma-Mu efficiency analysis: A new methodology for evaluating units through composite indices -- Talk by Menelaos Tasiou Event

11 October 2018
Building 54, Room 8031

For more information regarding this event, please email Konstantinos Katsikopoulos at .

Event details

Composite indicators have gained astounding popularity in a wide variety of research areas. Their adoption by global institutions has further captured the attention of the media and policymakers around the globe, and their number of applications has surged ever since. Yet crucial aspects in their construction, such as the weighting of the elementary indicators, raise a flag on whose preferences are taken into account, with phenomena of `manipulation’ being always present. `Sigma-Mu’ is a method proposing a more holistic and objective evaluation of DMUs to the traditional alternatives, while it encapsulates uncertainty techniques that are usually found to be missing despite their very importance. Its background is based on renowned OR methods aiding towards a more transparent evaluation in the hands of decision-makers.

Speaker information

Menelaos Tasiou,University of Portsmouth,is a final year PhD candidate at Portsmouth Business School. His PhD revolves around benchmarking and decision analysis, and his main research interest lies in the field of quantitative finance and financial engineering.

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