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The University of Southampton
CORMSIS Centre for Operational Research, Management Sciences and Information Systems

Optimization for more effective emergency medical care - the case of the Portuguese Emergency Medical Service -- talk by Dr Inês Marques (University of Lisbon) Event

15:00 - 17:00
24 January 2019
Building 54, Room 8031, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Southampton, Highfield Campus, SO17 1BJ

For more information regarding this event, please email Dr Sally Brailsford at .

Event details

Abstract: Emergency medical services in mainland Portugal are coordinated by Instituto Nacional de Emergência Médica (INEM). In most cases, medical emergencies are reported to INEM through the European Emergency Number (112), where specialized staff classifies the situation and dispatches the proper emergency vehicle along with adequate staff. The operational productivity of INEM have a huge societal impact and is often a subject in generalized newspapers. In fact, the response time to a medical emergency may determine the life or death of a person. Hence, INEM needs to carefully plan its resources and operations to minimize the overall response time to each emergency. There are two important moments in INEM’s operations: (1) the amount of time to answer each 112 call, and (2) the amount of time the emergency vehicle spends from dispatch until it reaches the emergency location. The goal of this project is to provide INEM with new tools to improve operational results through the optimization of its resource assignment (staff and emergency vehicles), resulting in an improved and faster response to medical emergencies in Portugal. The final goal is to provide a functional prototype of the developed tools into the real-world operational scenario at INEM. This talk focus on the work already developed in integrated staff scheduling (dispatch center and emergency vehicles), and in ambulance dispatching and relocation decisions.

Speaker information

Dr Inês Marques ,University of Lisbon,Inês Marques is Assistant Professor at the Department of Engineering and Management of Instituto Superior Técnico (University of Lisbon) and Researcher at the Centre for Management Studies. Her main research areas focus on the application of operations research methods to operations management problems, mainly in planning and scheduling decisions and applications to health care services. She has published in international journals in the areas of operations research and management science. She is member of the board of the European Working Group on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (EWG ORAHS) and of the European Working Group on Practice of Operational Research (EWG POR). She was appointed co-chair of the EWG ORAHS starting in the summer of 2019. She holds a degree in Mathematics Applied to Economics and Management, a MSc in Operations Research and a PhD in Statistics and Operations Research.

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