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The University of Southampton
CORMSIS Centre for Operational Research, Management Sciences and Information Systems

"Green supply chain management: GSCM practices, performance effects and employee engagement" -- talk by Professor Chee Yew Wong (Leeds University Business School) Event

16:00 - 18:00
12 December 2019
Room 3043, Building 2, Southampton Business School, University of Southampton, Highfield Campus, SO17 1BJ

For more information regarding this event, please email Jack Gong at .

Event details

In this presentation, Prof. Chee Yew Wong will present key findings from his research on green supply chain management. The focus are to clarify the various green supply chain management (GSCM) practices a firm can choose to implement, their combined performance effects, and how supply chain employees can be engaged to implement GSCM practices and to achieve environmental, cost and commercial benefits. The findings can be found from some of his co-authored papers in International Journal of Production Economics, Business Strategy and the Environment, European Management review, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, etc. Prof. Wong will further discuss some of his ongoing research projects related to environmental transparency and accountability, and supply chain employees’ pro-environmental behaviour.

Main references:
  • Wong CWY, Wong CY, Boon-itt S. 2018. How does sustainable development of supply chains make firms lean, green and profitable? A resource orchestration perspective. Business Strategy and the Environment. 27(3), pp. 375-388.
  • Ozusaglam S, Kesidou E, Wong CY. 2018. Performance effects of complementarity between environmental management systems and environmental technologies. International Journal of Production Economics. 197, pp. 112-122
  • Yu W, Chavez R, Feng M, Wong CY, Fynes B. 2020. Green human resource management and environmental cooperation: An ability-motivation-opportunity and contingency perspective. International Journal of Production Economics. 219, pp. 224-235
  • Murphy E, Guimaraes-Da Costa N, Wong CY. 2019. Decoding human intervention: pathways to successful environmental management. European Management Review. 1740-4762

Speaker information

Professor Chee Yew Wong , Leeds University Business School, teaches logistics, supply chain and operations management at undergraduate, MSc, MBA, PhD and executive levels. He has also more than nine years of industrial working and consultancy experience in operations, purchasing, production, inventory and distribution management and supply chain design with SMEs and multinational companies specialised in beverage, retail, consumer goods, toys, engineering, metal production, and polymer distribution. His research interests lie in the areas of supply chain integration, digital supply chain, supply chain analytics, green supply chain. He has published more than 70 academic and practitioner articles, including Journal of Operations Management (JOM), International Journal of Operations and Production Management (IJOPM), Journal of Supply Chain Management (JSCM), International Journal of Production Economics (IJPE), Supply Chain Management: an International Journal (SCMIJ), Production Planning and Control (PPC), International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management (IJPDLM), etc. Professor Wong currently holds or previously held the following academic appointments: senior associate editors for International Journal of Logistics Management (IJLM) and International Journal of Physical and Distribution Management (IJPDLM); editorial board members of the International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling (IJBPSCM) and European Management Journal (EMJ). He was a visiting professor at Chongqing Jiaotong University under the Bayu Overseas Scheme. He is a Bualuang ASEAN Chair Professor at Thammasat Business School, Thailand (2019-21).

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