"Natural Disaster Response: Decision-Making, Communication and Coordination" -- talk by Professor Juliana Sutanto (Lancaster University) Event
- Time:
- 15:00 - 17:00
- Date:
- 12 March 2020
- Venue:
- Building 2, room 3043, Southampton Business School, University of Southampton, Highfield, SO17 1BJ
For more information regarding this event, please email Stephan Onggo at B.S.Onggo@southampton.ac.uk .
Event details
Natural disasters have grave consequences for human, social and economic environment. Although natural disasters occur worldwide, their negative impacts are much more pronounced in less developed countries. The optimization of disaster response provides ample potential to decrease the magnitude of the negative impacts of disasters. Decision Support Systems (DSS) is an information system to support the decision makers by utilizing data and models. Compare to the typical organizational decision-making that is business oriented, decision-making during disaster response has ethical consequences; there is a trade-off between efficiency and fairness. The first part of the research aims to design a DSS for disaster response organization in a less developed disaster-prone country and examine the decision-makers’ deviations from the suggested decisions. We will examine whether the theoretically informed design of the DSS influence the decision-makers’ deviations towards more efficient or fairer decisions. Notwithstanding the optimization of the decisions during disaster response, in a major natural disaster, multiple organizations need to collaborate to accomplish the mission critical task. The second part of the research aims to examine how the field personnel from multiple organizations communicate and coordinate their actions through a plethora of applications. Through a case study of a major, inter-organizational natural disaster response, we examine the assembled feature-in-use of the purposely designed and off-the-shelves applications. Preliminary findings will be presented.
Speaker information
Professor Juliana Sutanto , Lancaster University, received her PhD degree from School of Computing at the National University of Singapore in 2008. She then joined ETH Zurich as Chair of Management Information Systems. While at ETH Zurich, she was a Global Advisory Board Member. Since August 2015, she is a Professor in Information Systems (IS) at Lancaster University. Her research focuses on system design, analysing and modelling system users’ activities and interactions, and improving the design of the system to maximize its impact. She won INFORMS ISS Design Science Award for designing an information system that can address the paradox of personalized offering and data privacy. Her research work has been published in leading IS journals. She is currently an Associate Editor in MIS Quarterly, and Editorial Board Member in Journal of Association Information Systems, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, and IEEE Transaction on Engineering Management. Besides scientific achievement, her research has significant impact on organization, society, and policy through close collaboration with the potential users of her research from when she initiates the research. She is a co-investigator of a recently funded research on disaster management where she is collaborating closely with disaster response organizations in Southeast Asia. She is also a co-investigator of a recently funded capacity building on community resilience and sustainability in Southeast Asia.