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The University of Southampton
CORMSIS Centre for Operational Research, Management Sciences and Information Systems

CORMSIS Seminar "A multi-fidelity modelling approach for airline disruption management using simulation" - Luke Rhodes-Leader (Lancaster University) Event

12 November 2020
Please email Huan Yu for a link to the virtual seminar

For more information regarding this event, please email Huan Yu at .

Event details

Disruption is a serious and common problem for the airline industry. High utilisation of aircraft and airport resources mean that disruptive events can have large knock-on effects for the rest of the schedule. The airline must rearrange their schedule to reduce the impact. The complexity and uncertainty involved in the industry makes this a difficult problem to solve. Many deterministic modelling approaches have been proposed, but these struggle to handle the inherent variability in the problem. This talk will present a multi-fidelity modelling approach to the Aircraft Recovery Problem, combining a deterministic integer program to find initial solutions and a simulation optimisation procedure to improve these solutions.

Speaker information

Luke Rhodes-Leader, is an Impact Research Associate at the Statistics and Operational Research with Industry (STOR-i) CDT at Lancaster University. He studied Theoretical Physics with Mathematics at Lancaster University before joining STOR-i for his PhD. This focussed on the use of simulation for airline disruption management. His main research interests are in simulation optimisation and combining simulation with other models.

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