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The University of Southampton
Centre for Research in Accounting, Accountability and Governance

Dr Ishmael  Tingbani BA, MBA, CMBA, PhD, FHEA

Associate Professor of Accounting

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Ishmael Tingbani joined Southampton Business School as an Associate Professor in September 2020.

Prior to this, he held full-time academic appointments at Bournemouth University and Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA). He holds a PhD in Finance from Bournemouth University, as well as MBA Banking & Finance, Chartered Banker MBA from Bangor University. He also holds a Bachelor of Economics degree from University of Cape Coast Ghana, a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) and a qualified Chartered Banker with the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Scotland, UK (CIB UK).

He has had over ten years’ banking and consultancy experience in the banking sector, specialising in credit risk and stress test analysis regarding counterparty credit OTC exposures; utilising value at risk (VaR) methodologies for various assets classes. Over the years, Ishmael has worked closely with industry in areas of his research interests. For example, he recently just completed a Poole Council research funded project on exploring the supply chain, inward investment, and economic value of the marine and maritime sector within Poole. Previously, he also worked on projects such as reviewing the valuations models on several equity funds and conducted a feasibility study for the Dorset National Park Trust on the creation of a National Park within Dorset.

His focus recently has been on exploring how emerging technologies (Artificial intelligence, Blockchain and Predictive analytics) revolutionise modern finance and accounting systems. Ishmael has published extensively on issues surrounding financial market reactions to changes in corporate governance, environmental sustainability/climate change and global terrorism. His research has been published in a variety of journals including the Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (3*), International Review of Financial Analysis, (ABS ranking 3*), Journal of Business Research (ABS ranking 3*), Business Strategy and the Environment (ABS ranking 3*), Production Planning and Control (ABS ranking 3*), International Journal of Finance and Economics (ABS ranking 3*), among many others.

Ishmael has examined and supervised several PhD students to successful completion. He has received research grants funding totalling over £74,900. He acts as an ad-hoc reviewer for some highly ranked academic journals including British Accounting Review, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Banking and Finance, International Journal of Finance and Economics, among many others.

Research interests

His focus recently has been on exploring how emerging technologies (Artificial intelligence, Blockchain and Predictive analytics) revolutionise modern finance and accounting systems. Ishmael has published extensively on issues surrounding financial market reactions to changes in corporate governance, environmental sustainability/climate change and global terrorism.

Ishmael has supervised 3 PhD students to successful completion.

Research group

Centre for Research in Accounting, Accountability and Governance

Affiliate research group

Centre for Banking, Finance and Sustainable Development

Currently teach on the following modules:

MANG2005 Management Accounting 2

MANG6322 Foundations of Accounting Research

In the past, I have led on modules such as:

Strategic Management Accounting

International Investment Management

Venture Capital and Growth Finance

Dr Ishmael Tingbani
University of Southampton
Southampton Business School
University Road
SO17 1BJ

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