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The University of Southampton
Centre for Research in Accounting, Accountability and Governance

Professor Martin Broad BA(Hons) PhD ACMA GCMA FHEA

Head of Southampton Business School, Professorial Fellow

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Martin is the Head of Southampton Business School, a Chartered Management Accountant, Chair of the Chartered Association of Business School’s International Committee and a member of Council for Chartered ABS. Martin has over 25 years’ experience of higher education with research interests in Performance Management and Governance, particularly in the higher education sector globally.

For many years Martin has been interested in performance management and the associated problems of implementing such techniques within the public and third sector. Recent successful grants have extended into more general governance practices in higher education globally. His teaching experience spans a range of management accounting topics at all levels of undergraduate programmes, MSc and MBA teaching and executive education within the UK and overseas.

Martin has held positions of Director of Programmes, Deputy Head of Southampton Business School and Associate Dean (Education and Student Experience) in the Faculty. In more recent times his focus has has been on leading and profile raising of Southampton Business School resulting in the School achieving AACSB accreditation in 2018.

Research interests

Martin's primary interest is in performance management systems and specifically in understanding causality in the Balanced Scorecard in Public Sector and Higher Education settings and issues of implementation affected by cultural differences viewed through the lens of old institutional economics. His research interests further extend to higher educational governance in a global setting and recent research projects have specific country settings.

Previous research topics include:

  • Higher Education Quality Assurance with funding from the British Council (Vietnam) as part of the Higher Education Partnership fund.
  • Higher Education Governance with funding from the British Council and the Worldwide University Network.
  • The role of audit committees in higher education institutions within the UK with funding provided by The Leadership Foundation.
  • Management Accounting Systems evolution in the UK Higher Education sector - A dynamic contingency theory approach.

Work in progress:

  • British Council project in quality assurance processes between UK HEIs and Vietnam
  • Administrative culture in Vietnam public sector and its impact on performance

Professor Martin Broad
University of Southampton
Southampton Business School
University Road
SO17 1BJ

Professor Martin Broad's personal home page
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