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Professor Yehuda Baruch

Professor of Management

Professor Yehuda Baruch's photo

Professor of Management at Southampton Business School, with research focus on Careers, Human Resource Management and Organizational Studies, combining strong academic competence and practical experience of managerial work. Academic experience includes research in the areas of careers, international and strategic HRM, impact of MBA, and organizational culture.

Over 350 publications, of which more than 155 are refereed journal papers (H-index of 76; over 25,000 citations). Formerly Associate Editor of Human Resource Management, Editor of Group & Organization Management, Chair, the Careers Division of the Academy of Management, and VP Research of EURAM.

Academic degrees

Academic Posts

Visiting Professorships


Member of 15 Editorial Advisory/Review Boards of the following learned journals:

Former ERB member:

Guest Editor of special issues for

Teaching experience

Over twenty years of university level teaching experience. I have shown initiative, enthusiasm and creativity in the design, delivery and administration of academic modules at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels, in particular when serving as the PhD programme Director at Norwich Business School. In 2013 I was shortlisted for the Innovation Teaching Award of the HR Division, Academy of Management.

Modules taught – OB, HRM, Careers, HR Strategy, International HRM

Professional experience

Consultancy for large and small UK and multinational firms; Conducting management development and career workshops in both the private and the public sectors.

Army service:

Paratroopers, officer (final rank: Major) in the Israeli Air Force (IAF), first in the Intelligence, then BSc in engineering as part of career path.

Managerial roles included:


English, fluent, working language; Hebrew, mother-tongue; French, conversational.

Scholarships and prizes

Research awards and Sponsorships for research (total: £960,000)

Membership in Professional Bodies

Roles representing academic leadership and recognition

The Academy of Management


Major leadership roles at UEA

External Examiner

Examiner in Doctorate Viva (22)

External reviewer for Chair/Tenure position

Refereed Reviewing

Journals (over 30): Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, Human Resource Management, Organizational Studies, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Journal of Management Studies, Human Relations, Journal of International Business Studies, Organizational Research Methods, Organization, Academy of Management Learning & Education (including member of Best Paper award committee 2012), Academy of Management Perspectives, Long Range Planning, Journal of Organizational and Occupational Psychology, Applied Psychology: an International Review, British Journal of Management, Journal of Management Inquiry, Human Resource Management Journal (UK), Thunderbird International Business Review, Personnel Review, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Gender Work & Organization, International Journal of Manpower, Human Resource Development International, International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, Journal of Management Education, Journal of Management Development, Journal of Management, Spirituality, and Religion, M@n@gement, Equal Opportunities International, International Journal of Management Reviews, Nonprofit Management & Leadership, Public Administration Review, Public Policy and Administration, Team Performance Management: An International Journal, Business Research, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.

Conferences: Academy of Management Meeting 1997, 1998, 1999 (Chair of best paper award, the Careers division), 2000 (review plus best paper award committee, the Careers division), 2001 (both HR and Careers divisions; Best Reviewer Award), 2002 (HR), 2003 (OB), 2004 (CAR), 2005-2013 (HR, CAR), Dexter Award, Best Reviewer Award: 2007; 2008; 2012; 2013; Senior Reviewer, 2011); AOM 2010 - Careers Division Best International Paper Award Committee Chair; AOM 2013 - Careers Division Best Applied Paper Award Committee.

BAM 1997, 2009, 2012, 2013; UK Academy for Information Systems 2000; EURAM 2008


External evaluator of research proposal bids


Invited leader of the ‘Mobility & Migration’ stream for a summit, entitled “Pan-European Dialogue on the Future of Work: Wellbeing and Competitivity.” The summit is organized by ESADE business school in Spain, for May 2014. It is an international gathering of experts and stakeholders who come to dialogue on how to prepare the European working environment to meet its future needs. The outcome of the summit is a white paper to be presented to the European Commission to help guide future actions.

PhD Supervision

Looking for prospect PhD students interested in the study of careers

Presentations at academic conferences (145)

1993: Academy of International Business, "Career Planning and Managing Techniques", Glamorgan.

1994: British Academy of Management in Lancaster "The SMTI - a further step in the development of management & leadership theory" (with Lessem)

1994: British Social Psychology, Cambridge, two presentations: "Self Performance appraisal: A case of Congruency", and "Developing Managerial Competence through Peers & Group Use of the SMTI"

1994: Annual Conference, Society for Research into Higher Education, the University of York, "Effects of MBA studies on professional lives of graduates" (with Leeming)

1995: Occupational Psychology Conference, Warwick, "When equal opportunities are not enough: Gender variations in perceptions of performance appraisal" (with Hind)

1995: British Academy of Management in Sheffield "Cultures of Success - the Leading UK Management Buy-outs" (with Gebbie)

1995: Employment Research Unit Conference: "The Measurement of Organisational Effectiveness" Cardiff.

1996: The 2nd Ann. Conference on Employment Creation, IESE, Barcelona: "Models of careers: Past, Present, & Future" (with Peiperl)

1996: British Academy of Management, Aston, "Cultural Theory and Organisations: Analytical Method and Case Studies" (with Altman)

1997: The Eighth European Congress on the Psychology of Work and Organizations, Verona, Italy. "Feeling about survival of organizational Decline" (with Hind)

1997: The Ninth IABD Meeting, Orlando, "HRM: Walking on a tight rope"

1997: The Amsterdam 97 Telework Workshop "Home, Sweet Work"

1997: British Academy of Management in London Business School, "Career Management Practices in the UK" (with Peiperl) (Winner of 'Best paper Award' for HRM)

1998: EGOS 14th Colloquium, Maastricht, The Netherlands, two papers: "Top Management Teams: Analysis of Differentiation and Integration within Teams" (with Lessem); and "Managing HR in fast changing organisations" (with Stiles)

1998: The Academy of Management Meeting, San Diego; Pre-conference workshop - "Selecting Teleworkers"

1998: British Academy of Management, Nottingham, "Expatriation Models" (with Altman)

1999: The Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago (All Academy Symposium), "North American vs. others - publications in top journals".

1999: The Academy of Management Meeting in Chicago, "Expatriation and repatriation in MNCs: a taxonomy" (with Altman).

1999: The Academy of Management Meeting in Chicago, "Career Division for the Future" 1999: The BAM, Manchester, "Effects of MBA" (with Peiperl).

2000: The Fourth Conference on Organizational Discourse, King's College, London, “Organizational Anxiety: applying psychological metaphor” (with Lambert).

2000: The 7th ICAM, Colorado “Employability - A substitute for loyalty?”

2000: The Academy of Management Meeting, Toronto; Pre-conference workshop - "Internationals at AOM - How to become a leader" (with Gunz).

2000: The Academy of Management Meeting, Toronto “Rigor and Relevance in Organization and Management Research” (Showcase Symposium) (c-chaired with Schneider)

2000: The Academy of Management Meeting, Toronto “HRM Practices, Promotion of Women in Management, and Organizational Effectiveness: An Integrated Model” (with Harel & Tzafrir).

2001: The Global HRM Conference, Barcelona “The Synergetic Effect of Empowerment, and Procedural Justice on Increase Manager's Trust” (with Harel & Tzafrir).

2001: The Academy of Management Meeting, Washington, Discussant, Session “Taking control of career development”

2001: The American Conference of Information System, Boston “Bullying on the Net”

2001: British Academy of Management, Cardiff “Multiple commitments in the NHS” (with Winkelmann-Gleed)

2001: British Academy of Management, Cardiff “Career practices in India and the UK” (with Budhwar)

2002: Elected Chair of Career Division Pre-Conference Developmental Workshops

2002: The Academy of Management Meeting, Denver, “The masks we wear: Acting in the classroom”.

2002: The Academy of Management Meeting, Denver, invited discussant for HR paper session.

2002: The Academy of Management Meeting, Denver, “Diversity Matrix” Oil on canvas painting. The Art and Poetry Exhibition.

2002: British Academy of Management, Middlesex, “Career practices: A comparison between India and the UK”, (with Budhwar)

2002: British Academy of Management, Middlesex, “The Transformation of Know-why: problems and limitations'”, (with Tzokas & Akbar)

2003: Elected Chair of Career Division Conference Program.

2003: Southwest Academy of Management Meeting, “PRP in Chinese Sports” (with Wheeler)

2003: European Academy of Management Conference, Milan: "Determinants of Employee Trust in Their Manager: An HRM Perspective", (with Tzafir, Harel, & Dolan)

2003: EAWOP, Lisbon “Organizational performance and effectiveness in business and not-for-profit organizations”, (with Ramalho)

2003: The Academy of Management Meeting, Seattle “Impact of graduate studies in management”, (with Bell)

2003: Ibero-Academy of Management, Sao-Paulo, Brazil “Convergence vs. divergence in studying Organizational performance and effectiveness”, (with Ramalho)

2004: The Academy of Management Meeting, New Orleans; Pre-conference workshop: “Career Landscapes” (with Mayrhofer)

2004: The Academy of Management Meeting, New Orleans; Pre-conference workshop: “Mentoring and Coaching across Social-Cultural Boundaries” (panel member)

2005: The European Academy of Management, Track co-Chair (with Quick & Dolan): Careers, Stress & Mental Health.

2005: The Academy of Management Meeting, Honolulu; Pre-conference workshop: “Building scholarly vision – being an Editor” (co-chair, with Konrad)

2005: The Academy of Management Meeting, Honolulu; Pre-conference workshop: “Publishing Qualitative Research” (presenter)

2005: The Academy of Management Meeting, Honolulu “Career Transitions: conventional and Protean careers of Former US Navy Admirals” (with Quick)

2005: Congrès AGRH 2005, Paris, “Procedural justice and organizational citizenship behaviours” (with Dolan & Tzafrir)

2005: British Academy of Management, Oxford, “Higher and lower level knowledge: Articulating the missing link between learning and creative outcomes” (with Akbar & Tzokas)

2006: The European Academy of Management, Oslo. Track co-Chair: Careers (with Blenkinsopp, Mayrhofer & Arthur).

2006: The 14th International Employment Relations Association Conference, Hong Kong, “Telecommuting within international context”

2006: The 10th International Society for the study of Work & Organizational Values, Tallinn, Estonia, “Value based strategies for revising and resubmitting papers to refereed journals" (with Altman)

2006: The Academy of Management Meeting, Atlanta; Pre-conference workshop: “Revising qualitative manuscripts for publication” (with Richardson et al)

2006: The Academy of Management Meeting, Atlanta; Pre-conference workshop: “Diversity management” (with Metcalf et al)

2006: The Academy of Management Meeting, Atlanta; “Organizational Effectiveness – Fifteen years of study” (with Ramalho)

2006: The Academy of Management Meeting, Atlanta; “Bringing Method to Madness: Promoting Systematic Reviewing for Knowledge Creation & Dissemination” (Co-Chair with Sullivan & Schepmyer)

2007: The Southern Academy of Management Meeting; “The changing nature of career management” (with Sullivan & Mainiero); (Winner of 'Best paper Award' for HR/Careers track and the Mike Driver Best Paper Prize)

2007: SIOP, New York; “Opening the Black Box of Editorship” (with Aguinis, Starbuck & Konrad)

2007: The Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia; “Workaholism – positive and negative outcomes” (with Virick)

2007: The Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia; “Second career of military retirees” (with Vigoda-Gadot & Grimland)

2007: The Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia; “From Brain Drain to Brain Circulation” (with Budhwar)

2007: British Academy of Management, Warwick, “New project conceptualization: a flexible model of organizational knowledge creation” (with Akbar & Tzokas)

2008: The EAWOP meeting of careers branch, Amsterdam: “Balancing cultures of careers.”

2008: The European Academy of Management, Ljubljana, Slovenia. “Global protean careers: a new era in expatriation & repatriation” (with Altman).

2008: The Academy of Management Meeting, Anaheim; Pre-conference All-Academy workshop: Editorship.

2008: The Academy of Management Meeting, Anaheim; Pre-conference workshop: Lost in translation - Non-US research

2008: The Academy of Management Meeting, Anaheim; “Development and validation of a measure for protean career”

2008: The Academy of Management Meeting, Anaheim; “HRM and OP Meta Analysis: bridging the gap between universalistic and contingency theories” (with Tzafrir & Tzabbar)

2008: The Academy of Management Meeting, Anaheim; “Survey response rate levels and trends in organizational research” (with Holtom)

2009: The Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, Hartford, Connecticut; “The positive side of workaholism”

2009: The 4th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science, Athens, Greece; “Creating Learning Organizations in higher education: A systems perspective” (with Bui)

2009: The EGOS colloquium, Barcelona Spain; “If it is so good, why are things so bad? The dark side of new careers” (with Vardi)

2009: The Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago; Pre-conference workshop: ‘Careers in the rough’

2009: The Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago; Pre-conference workshop: ‘(Still) Lost in translation – Non-US research”

2009: The Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago; “An examination of Multiple-commitment and three-component commitment theory on careers in Vietnam” (With Pham & He)

2009: The Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago; “Leadership and mythology in Israel” (co-authors Tzafrir & Kidron, only Tzafrir’s name on the program due to Rule of Three; runner up for the Best Symposium)

2010: EURAM, Rome; “The impact of Cross-cultural training for expatriates in a Chinese firm” (with Qin)

2010: The 11th IHRM Conference, Aston Business School, UK; “The many faces of global careers” (with Altman, Bournois & Dickmann)

2010: The Academy of Management Meeting, Montreal; “Global Careers: A glossary of meanings and a start of a framework” (with Dickmann, part of a showcase symposium, nominated as Best International Symposium)

2010: The Academy of Management Meeting, Montreal; “The taste of culture – organizational lunch” (with Altman, no name on program due to Rule of Three)

2010: The Academy of Management Meeting, Montreal; “Knowledge management transfer in projects” (with Akbar & Tzokas, no name on program due to Rule of Three)

2010: The Academy of Management Meeting, Montreal; Pre-conference workshop: Careers in the rough

2010: The Academy of Management Meeting, Montreal; Pre-conference workshop: OB Consortium

2010: The Academy of Management Meeting, Montreal; Pre-conference workshop: The Craft of reviewing

2011: The 4th international CETL conference at St. Hugh’s College, Oxford. An invited keynote speech; “Managing academic careers to win the war for talent”

2011: The 18th International Conference on Learning, Mauritius “Universities as a learning organization” (with Bui)

2011: EAWOP, Maastricht. “Going Global: The Challenges of International Exchange”, Symposium (with van Emmerik, Bozionelos et al.)

2011: The EGOS colloquium, Sweden; “Career choices of management students” (with Zannad, Pralong, Koyuncu & Philippe)

2011: The Academy of Management Meeting, San Antonio; “Measuring protean career” (with Briscoe and colleagues, part of a showcase symposium). Winner of Best Symposium Award of the Careers Division.

2011: The Academy of Management Meeting, San Antonio; “Career theory in an emerging Arab Gulf economy: The impact of expectations and self-efficacy” (with Forstenlechner, Selim, & Madi)

2011: The Academy of Management Meeting, San Antonio; Pre-conference workshop: Careers in the rough

2011: The Academy of Management Meeting, San Antonio; Pre-conference workshop: Early Academic Career Consortium

2011: The Academy of Management Meeting, San Antonio; Pre-conference workshop: Opening the door to the francophone community

2011: British Academy of Management, Aston, Birmingham: “Factors influencing the worth and income of footballers – A Human Capital Perspective.” (with Gregoriou & Healy)

2011: The International Organizational Behavior Conference, Tel Aviv: “The Positive wellbeing aspects of workaholism in cross cultural perspective: The Chocoholism metaphor”

2012: EURAM, Rotterdam, “Critical analysis of organizational knowledge creation models from an integrative perspective” (with Akbar & Easterby-Smith)

2012: The International Academy of Chinese Management Research, Hong Kong: “The Effect of Team Affective Tone on Team Performance: The Role of Team Identification and Cooperation” (with He & Lin)

2012: EGOS, Helsinki, “Impact of multiple discrimination sources on MBA graduates” (with Humbert, Martins & Wilson)

2012: The Academy of Management Meeting, Boston; Pre-conference workshop: Careers in motion: Mentoring conversations

2012: The Academy of Management Meeting, Boston; Pre-conference workshop: Early Academic Career Consortium

2012: The Academy of Management Meeting, Boston; Pre-conference workshop: Publish or Perish goes global

2012: The Academy of Management Meeting, Boston, “Career attitudes and outcomes of blue-collar workers: The impact of chance event” (with Wordsworth, Mills & Wright)

2012: British Academy of Management, Cardiff: “Anglo-French Collaboration in MGT publications” (with Pralong)

2013: Career concepts: survival of the fit? EGOS colloquium, Montreal, Canada (with Szücs & Gunz)

2013: The Academy of Management Meeting, Orlando; Pre-conference workshop: Serving as Associate Dean for Research: Learning from others

2013: The Academy of Management Meeting, Orlando; Swearing at the Workplace: Its surprising positive outcomes and how to cope with and benefit from it (with Ollier-Malaterre & Pruska)

2013: The Academy of Management Meeting, Orlando; Managing Expatriates and Locals in Non-traditional Geo-regions (Symposium and paper)

2013: British Academy of Management, Liverpool; How global are boundaryless careers and how boundaryless are global careers? A critical theory perspective of national differences (with Reis)

2013: British Academy of Management, Liverpool; Retirement in a global labour market: A call for abolishing the fixed retirement age (with Sayce & Gregoriou)

2014: IOBC, Tel Aviv; Team collectivism, within-team competition, knowledge sharing, and team flexibility (with He & Lin). Runner up for Best Paper Award

2014: The Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia; Pre-conference workshop: Professors without Borders: Developing Competences for Navigating Global Careers

2014: The Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia; The dynamics of public sector careers: Individual & organizational perspectives of state ambassadors (with Hart)

2014: The Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia; Mapping career studies: A bibliometric analysis (with Lee & Felps) Finalist for Reicher’ best paper Prize

2014: British Academy of Management, Belfast: Revisiting the “Virtues” of Information Technology-Dominated Work by Considering its Potential to Produce ‘Repetitive Brain Injury’ (RBI) (with Shapiro)

2014: British Academy of Management, Belfast: The impact of the academic psychological contract on job performance and satisfaction (with Tokkey & Tzokas)

2014: British Academy of Management, Belfast: Moral Hazard in Academe (with Shoaib)

2015: The Academy of Management Meeting, Vancouver; Pre-conference workshop: Careers in the rough

2015: The Academy of Management Meeting, Vancouver; Open Access: Editor’s perspective (Symposium presentation)

2015: British Academy of Management, Portsmouth: Pre-conference workshop: The Ws of reviewing: An insider perspective.

2015: British Academy of Management, Portsmouth: Non-work activities impact on health in China (with Guo & Russo) Best Paper Award, HRM SIG

2015: British Academy of Management, Portsmouth: Negative impression management (with Tzafrir, Mor & Altman)

2016: EURAM, Paris; Patterning Cyclically Recursive Loops across the Organizational Knowledge Creation’s Front-end in the Context of Innovations (with Akbar & Tzokas)

2016: EURAM, Paris; Collaborative delivery of the OECD higher education employability agenda: Development of a framework and conceptual model for exploring student perceptions of graduate employability (with Donald & Ashleigh)

2016: The Academy of Management Meeting, Anaheim; Careers as eco-systems (Symposium presentation)

2016: The Academy of Management Meeting, Anaheim; Career ambition and performance: a socio-analytic perspective (with Bui, Secchi, Nguyen, & Mai)

2016: The Academy of Management Meeting, Anaheim; The Effect of Team Affective Tone on Performance: The Roles of Team Identification and Cooperation (with Lin, He & Ashforth)

Presentations at other conferences/seminar

1992: The IODA World Conference - “Career Planning and Management in High Tech Organizations”, Coventry.

1995: The IBC conference on Flexible Work "Home Working-The Academy Viewpoint"

1998: "Careers for the Future" - Keynote lecture, one-day conference “Career management into the next millennium”, The Israeli Institute of Management, Tel-Aviv.

1999: IHRM Seminar, UNL, "Conducting Research in International HRM".

2000: Career Development in Flatter Structures Seminar, Roffey Park Management Institute (invited speaker).

2002: Storytelling in organizations (the 3rd Seminar), in Cork, Ireland (invited keynote speaker).

2003: The future of Careers, Biannual Conference on OB&HRM developments, Surrey University (invited speaker).

2004: Innovative Career Concepts, The Estonian HRM Conference, Estonia (invited keynote speaker).

2007: Managing academic careers, a presentation for the Organization for the Economic and Co-Operation and Development (OECD) Conference on Supporting Success and Productivity: Practical Tools for Making Your University a Great Place to Work, Paris, (invited key-note speaker).

2008: Bullying on the e-mail, to Norfolk CIPD meeting (invited speaker).

2009: Global careers, to European HR Forum seminar (invited speaker).

2011: Academic careers – Anglo-Saxon vs. French, to Career Conference, France, RBS (invited speaker).

2011: Contemporary careers – Well-being Conference, Kingston University, London (invited speaker).

Organizing seminar

2001: “Storytelling in organizations”, Imperial College London, 9 July 2001.

This initiative has become continuous series.

2006: “Careering across boundaries - storytelling perspectives”, the 9th Storytelling Seminar, June 2006, UEA Norwich, Conference convenor.

Media appearances

  • The Times, the Financial Times, Acquisition Monthly: All related to the study 'Cultures of Success', on UK Management Buy-out/ins (1997/8).
  • BBC2 (TV), The Independent, The Express, EDP, and Norfolk Radio: all related to the study on teleworking (1998).
  • The Independent and EDP: the study MBA impact on women in management.
  • Personnel Today (29/4/99), The Times MBA Supplement (7/5/99), Daily Mail (2/6/99): The use, misuse and abuse of e-mail systems.
  • The EDP and Radio Norfolk: The Autistic Society (2001)
  • Globes, Israel: Promoting women to increase organizational performance (12/3/03)
  • The EDP, Radio Broadland, and Radio Norfolk: Promoting women to increase organizational performance (22/5/03)
  • The Estonian daily newspaper Eesti Päevaleht, Current Careers (Feb 2004)
  • The Israeli Radio 2: Successful Israelis overseas (Feb 2005).
  • Yediot Ahronot (Israel widest distributed newspaper): Second career of retired military high-ranked officers (Jan 2006).
  • Radio Essex: Use and misuse of e-mail communication (September 2006)
  • Major Radio stations (including BBC Radio 4 and 2 in the UK; USA, Canada, Australia and Europe), Daily newspapers (including the Telegraph) and others globally (e.g. Fox US): Swearing at the workplace (October 2007)
  • The Economist: Admirals’ second career study (Feb 2008)
  • Swearing at the workplace follow ups in a number of programs in the UK and elsewhere, including the History Channel, USA, and BBC World Service (summer 2010).
  • Swearing at the workplace The Sunday Times, 12.12.2010
  • The impact of MBA, The Independent, 16.6.2011
  • Workaholism, Wall Street Journal, 15.11.2011; The Financial Times, The Independent, The Telegraph, Management Today and Management Issues, + Yahoo and others, as well as in France: l'Expansion and others, January 2012
  • Open access publishing: The Financial Times, 8.4.2013
  • Workaholism, The Financial Times, 24.9.2013

PhD Students (14 completed successfully; nine of them hold academic positions in the UK, USA, Vietnam and Pakistan)

  • Dr Meghana Virick: ‘Virtual work impact’. Awarded: 2002 (University of Texas at Arlington, USA, committee member).
  • Dr Sandra Palmer-Peart: ‘Teleworking in Jamaica’. Awarded 2004: (Nova Southern U. USA, lead supervisor and Chair).
  • Dr Tom Macagno: ‘Sustainable Business – Environmental Management’. Awarded: 2007. (UEA, co-supervisors: Tim O'Riordan and Simon Gerrard)
  • Dr Hung Quoc Pham: ‘Organizational and occupational commitment in Vietnam’. Awarded: October 2008 (UEA, lead supervisor).
  • Dr Hammad Akbar: ‘Knowledge Management Framework – impact of variety in tacit and explicit knowledge creation’. Awarded: March 2009 (UEA, lead supervisor).
  • Dr Shmuel Grimland: ‘Professional career success in the private and public sectors’. Awarded: 2009 (Haifa University, co-supervisor – Dr Vigoda-Gadot).
  • Dr Hong Bui T. M.: ‘Universities as learning organizations’. Awarded: 2010 (UEA, lead supervisor).
  • Dr Markus Tschida: ‘Knowledge management transfer’. Awarded: 2010 (UEA, second supervisor; lead supervisor: Dr Lettice).
  • Dr Alex Wong: ‘HR strategy and impact in HK’. Awarded: 2010 (UEA, lead supervisor).
  • Dr Max Tookey: ‘Academic Psychological Contracts’. Awarded: 2013 (UEA, lead supervisor).

Current in Southampton:

  • Mr Kien Nguyen: CEOs careers in Vietnam (lead supervisor)
  • Ms Shandana Shoaib: Moral Hazards in academic careers (lead supervisor)
  • Mr Sterling Rauseo: Decision making and organizational performance (supervisory team)
  • Mr Will Donald: Employability of graduates in the UK labour market (co-lead supervisor)
  • Ms Hang Tran: Protean careers of blue and white collar Vietnamese (lead supervisor)
  • Ms Aparna Venkatesan: Careers of women leaders in India (lead supervisor)

Professor Yehuda Baruch
University of Southampton
Southampton Business School
University Road
SO17 1BJ

Room Number : 175/3001

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