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The University of Southampton
Southampton Clinical Trials Unit


Trial Name

CLASP (RENEWEDonline) - Cancer: Life Affirming Survivorship support in Primary care Programme


The current study aims to evaluate an online intervention offering lifestyle and wellbeing support for cancer survivors, called Renewed. The intervention has been developed using feedback from patients and healthcare professionals and provides modules for lifestyle (healthy eating; weight management; physical activity) and well-being (coping with emotional distress; reducing fatigue). A questionnaire generates suggestions for parts of the websites which may be most helpful to each individual based on participant answers; the questionnaire is accessible throughout the intervention to help users to make informed decisions about which parts they would like to try. The current project aims to evaluate the intervention for improving quality of life in cancer survivors, by conducting a randomised controlled trial.


Primary Objective:

Secondary Objectives:

Tertiary Objective:


Patients will be randomised to one of three groups:

  1. Control. Patients will receive brief advice about lifestyle and wellbeing with written materials;
  2. Web only. As in (1 above) but with support from a practice nurse to use an Internet based Lifestyle and Wellbeing Package called Renewed;
  3. Web with flexible nurse support. As in (2 above) but with extra guidance and support to increase the likely patient use of the self-help intervention. This will be provided flexibly by practice nurses to participants who request it.

Patients form all groups will be followed up for over 1 year to see if their quality of life improves and to identify what part of the intervention worked well for them and what could have worked better for them.


Open to recruitment


2500 participants


Chief Investigators: Prof Paul Little and Prof Lucy Yardley

Programme Manager: Jane Barnett

Trial co-ordinator: Megan Liddiard


CLASP Website

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