Professor Emeritus of Latin American Studies, University of Southampton, UK
Associate Fellow, Institute of the Americas, University College London
Elizabeth Dore led the
'Memories of the Cuban Revolution' Oral History Project
as the Project Director.
Read more about her project role >
Read more about her forthcoming book 'Cuban Lives: What Difference Did a Revolution Make?'
- forthcoming from Verso Books.
Lidia Limonta Mineto (left) with her friend Eva. Santiago de Cuba.
NACLA Dec 2016 web article by Elizabeth Dore
Cubans Remember Fidel
Project Director
Elizabeth Dore's article on the death of Fidel Castro
appeared on the NACLA website on 1 Dec 2016.
Go to the NACRA website to read the full article -
Books / Libros
Cuban Lives: What Difference Did a Revolution Make?
(Verso Books, forthcoming).
Myths of Modernity: Peonage and Patriarchy in Nicaragua
(Duke University Press, 2006).
Mitos de Modernidad: Tierra, peonaje y patriarcado en Granada, Nicaragua
(Managua: Instituto de Historia de Nicaragua y Centroamérica, 2008).
(co-edited with Maxine Molyneux),
Hidden Histories of Gender and the State in Latin America
, (Duke University Press, 2000).
Gender Politics in Latin America
, ed., (Monthly Review Press, 1997).
The Peruvian Mining Industry: Growth, Stagnation and Crisis
(Westview Press, 1988)
Acumulación y crisis en la minería peruana
, 1900-1977, (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru, 1987)
Articles and Chapters/ Artículos y capítulos
“Hearing Voices, Cuban Oral History,”
Hispanic American Historical Review, Forum: Listening to History (2016) 96 (2): 239-247.
“Cuban Voices: an oral history,”
Words and Silences, Journal of the International Oral History Association, 7:1, 2015.
“Voces Cubanas: Una historia para contar,”
Perfiles de la Cultura Cubana: Revista del Instituto Cubana de Investigaciones Culturales, 2014.
“?Comó leer (y escribir) la historia oral?,”
Historias, Voces, Memoria, (Universidad de Buenos Aires), 5 (2013): 11-28.
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“The Pope and Raúl Castro: rubbing along,”
Open Democracy, 2 April 2012.
“Historia oral y vida cotidiana en Cuba,”
Nueva Sociedad, 242, Nov-Dic 2012.
“Cubans’ Life Stories, the pains and pleasures of living in a communist society,”
Oral History, 40:1, Spring 2012: 35-46.
“Logros, desafíos y el arte de la historia oral,”
en Niurka Pérez Rojas, comp., Historia oral: debates y análisis sobre temas afrocubanos, religiosos, sexuales y rurales (La Habana, CENESEX, 2012)
Foreword to Carrie Hamilton, Sexual Revolutions in Cuba: Passion, Politics and Memory
(Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2012.)
“Cubans’ Memories of the 1960s,”
ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America (Winter 2009).
“Understanding Capitalism in the Third World,” in Alfredo Saad- Fihlo, ed., Anti-Capitalism: A Marxist Introduction (London & New York: Pluto Press, 2003).
“Afro-Cuban History from Below,”
Introduction to Reyita: The Life of a Black Cuban Woman in the Twentieth Century, by María de los Reyes Castillo Bueno, as told to her daughter Daisy Rubiera Castillo (Duke University Press, 2000).
“Debt Peonage in Nicaragua, 1870-1930: Labor in a Non-Capitalist Transition,”
Hispanic American Historical Review, 83:3 (Aug 2003).