PG Cert/PG Dip/MSc Official Statistics
CPD & Visiting Students Short Courses . This page includes timetables and other details of some of the individual modules running this semester.
Module | Description |
requisites |
Location |
2012/13 |
Assessment |
( no code ) | Introduction Module | None | Southampton | 16Sep-20Sep | |
STAT6096 |
Introduction to Survey
Research |
None | Newport | 30Sep-04Oct | Exam |
STAT6093 | Survey Sampling | None | Southampton | 14Oct-18Oct | Exam |
DEMO6020 |
Methods I |
None | Southampton | 28Oct-01Nov | Exam |
STAT6089 | Evaluation & Monitoring | STAT6095 | Southampton | 11Nov-15Nov | Coursework |
STAT6104 | Further Sampling Methods | STAT6093 | Southampton | 25Nov-29Nov | Coursework |
STAT6107 | Analysis of Complex Survey Data | STAT6095 STAT6093 | Southampton | 06Jan-10Jan | Coursework |
Module | Description |
requisites |
Location |
2012/13 |
Assessment |
STAT6095 |
Regression Modelling
None | Southampton | 27Jan-31Jan | Coursework |
STAT6090 | Generalised Linear Models | STAT6095 | Southampton | 03Feb-07Feb | Coursework |
STAT6087 | Time Series Analysis | STAT6095 | Southampton | 17Feb-21Feb | Coursework |
DEMO6022 | Demographic Methods II | DEMO6020 | Southampton | 03Mar-07Mar | Exam |
STAT6091 | Index Numbers | STAT6095 | Southampton | 17Mar-21Mar | Coursework |
STAT6088 | Elements of Official Statistics | None | Southampton | 07Apr-11Apr | Exam |
STAT6106 | Small Area Estimation | STAT6095 STAT6093 | Southampton | 12May-16May | Coursework |