ESRC PhD studentships available in the Centre for Population Change
The new ESRC Centre for Population Change is based in Social Sciences at the University of Southampton, and aims to improve understanding of the key drivers and implications of population change within the UK.
The Centre is a joint initiative between the University of Southampton and a consortium of Scottish Universities in partnership with the Office for National Statistics and the General Registrar Office in Scotland, and is directed by
Professor Jane Falkingham
(University of Southampton) and co-directed by
Professor Maria Evandrou
, Professor Sue Heath (both at Southampton) and Professor Paul Boyle (University of St Andrews).
Studentship 1 - Period fertility indicators for Great Britain
The PhD project aims to generate updated time series of period parity progression indicators for Great Britain. It is an ESRC +3 studentship linked to the ESRC Research Centre for Population Change, where the student will work under the direction of
Professor Máire Ní Bhrolcháin
For further information about eligibility and how to apply, please see the
studentship funding information
Studentship 2 - The domestic and housing transitions of gay and lesbian young people
This PhD project aims to explore the interaction between sexuality and the domestic and housing transitions of young people through focusing on the housing and relationship experiences of lesbians and gay men in their twenties. The student will work under the direction of Professor Sue Heath, one of the Centre’s Co-Directors.
For further information about eligibility and how to apply, please see the
studentship funding information
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