Statistics and Operational Research ranks top 50 in the world and 7th in the UK
Statistics and Operational Research at the University of Southampton have been placed at 48th in the world and 7th in the UK according to the QS World Rankings by Subject 2019.
Commenting on the University’s global success in Statistics & Operational Research, Professor Nikos Tzavidis , Head of Economic, Social and Political Sciences, said “This is the result of a genuinely collaborative interdisciplinary range of education and research activities in Statistics and Operational Research led by colleagues across the schools of Economic, Social and Political Sciences, Mathematical Sciences and the Southampton Business School. Now co-located in a single Faculty, we look forward to building on our acknowledged strengths going forward.”
Professor Jon Forster , Head of Mathematical Sciences, added: “This is a very welcome recognition of the high quality research and education that Southampton delivers in Statistics and Operational Research, from Undergraduate and Masters programmes to research which impacts government, business and industry. Both CORMSIS (Centre for OR, Management Sciences and Information Systems) and S3RI (Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute) are world class centres, working across a range of Schools at the University.”
The University’s performance in Statistics and Operational Research, and other areas the University features in the world’s top 100, is powered by its continued improvement in reputational rating in a number of areas. These include our reputational rating amongst academic peers and employers around the world, good scores for research citations and ‘h-index’, which measures the productivity and impact of work published by scientists and scholars in the subject.
This year’s results in the QS subject rankings continue to build on the University’s strong showing in the QS World University Rankings 2019 (published last June) where Southampton regained its place amongst the world’s top 100 institutions, in 96th place overall.