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The University of Southampton
Social Statistics and Demography Part of Economic, Social & Political Science

Joint Southampton/QMUL DOE Seminar: Using the experimental design and its randomisation to construct a mixed model Seminar

2 May 2013
Queen Mary University of London Mathematical Sciences

Event details

Statistics Research Thursday Seminar Series

(Note this seminar will take place in London, not in Southampton) In many areas of scientific research complex experimental designs are now routinely used. With the advent of mixed model algorithms, implemented in many statistical software packages, the analysis of data generated from such experiments has become more accessible. However, failing to correctly identify the experimental design used can lead to incorrect model selection and misleading inferences. A procedure is described that identifies the structure of the experimental design and, given the randomisation, generates a maximal mixed model. This model is determined before the experiment is conducted and provides a starting point for the final statistical analysis. The whole process can be illustrated using a generalisation of the Hasse diagram called the Terms Relationships diagram. Most parts of the algorithm have been implemented in a program written in R. It is shown that the model selection process can be simplified by placing experimental design (crossed/nested structure and randomisation) at the centre of a systematic procedure.

Speaker information

Marion Chatfield , GlaxoSmithKline plc. Statistician

Simon Bate , GlaxoSmithKline plc. Principle Statistician

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