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The University of Southampton
Social Statistics and Demography Part of Economic, Social & Political Science

A new look at the housing consequences of union dissolution in Britain Seminar

Economic, Social and Political Sciences
16 February 2017
Building 54, 8033.

For more information regarding this seminar, please telephone Mel Maloney – Centre Administrator on 02380 592579 or email .

Event details

Many studies have shown that union dissolution often has adverse short- and long-term consequences for the housing careers of men and women. However, much of this research concentrates on who exited and subsequently re-entered homeownership after separating during the late twentieth century boom in owner-occupation. As homeownership has become less accessible in recent years and a growing proportion of households now rent privately, it is becoming increasingly important to also know more about how men and women living in rental accommodation adjust their housing and living arrangements in response to partnership dissolution. In consequence, we use up-to-date and geocoded data from the initial waves of the United Kingdom Household Longitudinal Study to assess how and why the short-term housing outcomes of separation vary by gender, tenure and across Britain. This seminar will present and discuss some initial findings from this ongoing project.

Speaker information

Rory Coulter , University of Cambridge. Rory is a Research Associate in the Department of Sociology. His research is funded by an Economic and Social Research Council Future Research Leaders award.

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