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The University of Southampton
Social Statistics and Demography Part of Economic, Social & Political Science


We work across a multitude of research centres to explore a range of social and demographic issues that impact on everyday life.

These are just a few examples of the projects we are undertaking:

Complex models of demographic change

Demographic change is the outcome of large numbers of individual decisions and interactions. Capturing these behavioural foundations require complex, micro-founded models of population processes. This project uses simulation methodology to this end, with a focus on properly accounting for the main sources of uncertainty relating to such models, including those relating to our lack of understanding of the process of human decision-making itself. Find out more…

Fertility dynamics in the context of economic recession

Many commentators assumed that fertility rates would fall in the context of the economic downturn following 2008. However, in the UK period fertility rates continued to increase (at least up until 2012) as they had done since 2000 and currently the UK has one of the highest levels of fertility within Europe. Although this persistent higher level of fertility is sometimes associated with recent high levels of net international migration to the UK, rates of childbearing among UK born women also increased during this period. Find out more…

Female-Breadwinner Families in Europe

Despite the increase of female-breadwinner families in developed countries (families in which women are the sole or main income provider), little is known about who these couples are, how and why they emerge, and what trends in female breadwinning mean for women, men and children. This project aims to answer such questions and contribute to the debate on gender, money and the distribution of power between men and women in couples. Find out more…

The Consequences of New Living Arrangements in Cross-national Comparison

Countries throughout Europe and the US are experiencing profound changes in the family, particularly due to increases in cohabitation, as well as childbearing outside of marriage. These changes raise questions about the consequences of these new family arrangements and whether they may be associated with poor outcomes. This project compares a number of diverse settings representing different welfare regimes and cultural contexts: Australia, Norway, Germany, the UK, and the US. Outcomes in include mental well-being, health, satisfaction with life, and wage differentials. Find out more…

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