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The University of Southampton
Digital Learning

Ms Abbie Sargant

Media Producer

Ms Abbie Sargant's photo

Abbie previously graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Film Production and a Master's degree in Media and Communication. Throughout that time, she worked with a variety of film and TV companies to gain a wide range of experiences, which included working on ITV's 'Long-Lost Family' and National Geographic's 'Narco Wars'.

Her most recent role was in digital education, where she produced video, photography, and animation for the company's eLearning material. She discovered a passion on learning new technologies and experimenting creatively with existing methods to enhance learners' experiences. This led Abbie to her current role at the University of Southampton where she aims to provide expertise and skill in the design and creation of multimedia content for eLearning and Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL).

Ms Abbie Sargant
Digital Learning
Highfield Campus
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ

Room Number : 35/3003

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