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The University of Southampton
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Measuring EDI

Race Equality Charter at Southampton

The University joined Advance HE's Race Equality Charter (REC) in 2018 and received the REC Bronze award in November 2022.

Race Equality Charter Bronze award logo
We have a Race Equality Charter Bronze award

The Race Equality Charter’s mission is to improve the representation, experience, progression and success of minority ethnic staff and students within higher education. We cannot reach our full potential unless we benefit from the talents of our whole community, and until all individuals from all ethnic backgrounds can benefit equally from available opportunities.

REC Bronze is recognition of an institution’s robust foundation for eliminating racial inequalities, developing inclusive cultures and moving from commitment to sustainable and integrated bold and ambitious action.
Advance HE looks forward to supporting the University of Southampton as it progresses its action plans to advance race equality.

The Race Equality Charter provides a rigorous and robust framework through which institutions work to critically reflect and act on institutional and cultural barriers standing in the way of the progression and success of minority ethnic staff and students.

This award is a starting point, not an end point. It is clear that the University has further to go to address racial inequality for many of our staff and students.

Quote (left): Dr Ruth Gilligan, Assistant Director Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Advance HE

You can find out more about the charter on the Advance HE webpages .

What does this mean for me?

The University adopted the Race Equality self-assessment framework as a rigorous and transparent means of understanding and progressing race equality across the institution, and as part of this process a Race Equality Action Plan has been developed.

The development of a comprehensive action plan, with responsibility shared across the University, will mean a coordinated approach to understanding and addressing issues. The action plan that accompanies our 2022 submission is structured into themes to address these areas between now and 2027.

Read our 2022 Bronze Award submission

Are there departmental REC awards?

Currently, Advance HE (the body that oversees the Race Equality Charter) has only introduced institutional awards. The application requires written responses to its findings from each of the Deans, to demonstrate that disciplinary differences have been recognised and understood. Actions are likely to require shared and delegated responsibility across faculties and schools, as well.

What is a self-assessment team (SAT)?

The University formed the REC self-assessment team (SAT) soon after joining the Charter. The SAT are made up of key stakeholders across the areas being assessed, to undertake the work of assessing ourselves against previous commitments, developing an action plan, and writing our submission.

How can I get involved?

More details of our work towards the Race Equality Charter are available from the EDI SharePoint (internal only).

Last update: 14 November 2022 [AM]

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