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The University of Southampton
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

How we measure equality, diversity and inclusion

We use quantitative and qualitative data to measure our progress towards embedding equality, diversity and inclusion. For example, we analyse data from our staff and student recruitment activities and track how staff and students with different protected characteristics progress in their studies and careers.

We use feedback from staff and students to better understand their experiences and find out if people feel that we are making progress. This feedback comes from formal consultation exercises, focus groups, staff and student networks, and informal feedback.

In our Strategic Plan , we set out the areas of specific focus, each of which will have detailed action plans, and these will be monitored by the many different stakeholder groups . We hold ourselves to account through our governance processes and external bodies hold us to account through our equality charter commitments.

Equality Charters

Nation and sector-wide charters that demonstrate our commitment to equality, diveristy and inclusion

Last update: 23 June 2021 [AM]

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