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The University of Southampton
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Joint signature for Mindful Employer Charter

Published: 4 November 2014
Mindful employer Logo

The University and SUSU have together signed up to the Mindful Employer Charter. This is a mark of what both organisations have already achieved in promoting support for mental health, and how we can develop this work in the future.

Sally Denley, Scott McCarthy and Adam Wheeler
Joint signature

The University's second Wellbeing Day - for both staff and students - took place on 4 November 2014 in Garden Court. This signing ceremony marked the end of the Keynote session, seen by both the enthusiastic live audience and on video stream.

Adam Wheeler (Provost) and Scott McCarthy (CEO) represented the University and SUSU respectively. We were also pleased to welcome Sally Denley from Public Health Southampton who countersigned both certificates on behalf of Charter administrators Workways.

Southampton now joins a growing number of universities and other organisations both regionally and nationally who have pledged to be Mindful Employers.

Among the resources published by Workways are the two highly-rated booklets linked on the right.

Mindful Employer

The Mindful Employer ® initiative is aimed at increasing awareness of mental health in the workplace and supporting businesses in recruiting and retaining staff.

The Charter for Employers who are Positive about Mental Health is one element of this. It is a voluntary agreement seeking to support employers in working within the spirit of its positive approach.

A wide range of employers from all over the UK are involved in the initiative which gives businesses and organisations easier access to information, practical support, training, networks and assistance from other employers.

Mindful Employer is run by Workways, part of Devon Partnership NHS Trust. More information at

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