Quality, Monitoring and Enhancement
Find out more about quality framework and PGR regulations.
The Doctoral College has a robust governance structure in place to support the delivery of our aims and objectives.
The day-to-day leadership of the Doctoral College is provided by the Director of the Doctoral College, with support from:
Find out more about the operational leadership .
Strategic matters are considered by the Doctoral College Committee. It considers all the elements of doctoral training, and is responsible for leading and directing the development of the doctoral researcher environment and student experience at the University.
The Doctoral College Board is supported by three sub-committees:
1. Faculty Graduate School Sub-committee
The Faculty Graduate School Sub-committee is responsible for considering, overseeing and directing all elements of doctoral training and support and the doctoral researcher experience. It is also responsible for leading and directing the development of the research student environment within the Faculty.
2. Training and Development Sub-committee
The Training and Development Sub-committee is responsible for the delivery and enhancement of the Doctoral College Professional Development Programme. It works in partnership with the University’s faculties, academic units and other training providers.
3. Postgraduate Research Quality Monitoring and Enhancement Sub-committee
The Postgraduate Research Quality Monitoring and Enhancement Sub-committee is responsible for institution-wide postgraduate research matters, such as the Higher Degree Regulations and accompanying Code of Practice, scrutinising periodic reviews and faculty annual reports. It reports to both the Doctoral College Board and Academic Quality and Standards Committee.
Find out more about quality, monitoring and enhancement .
Find out more about quality framework and PGR regulations.
Enhance your skills by choosing from our high-quality course programme.
Learn more about our University Council and other governance structures.