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The University of Southampton
Doctoral College

Share your thoughts on the Festival of Doctoral Research

Published: 7 July 2016
Festival of Doctoral Research

Staff and students are invited to give their feedback on the Festival of Doctoral Research through an online survey.

The Doctoral College is inviting staff and students to give their feedback on the Festival of Doctoral Research through an online survey.

As planning begins for the next Festival in 2017, the Doctoral College is interested in hearing your views on all aspects of this year’s events.

The survey can be accessed here and should only take a few minutes to complete.

Jo James, Doctoral College Professional Development Manager, said:

'We are really keen to build on this year’s Festival successes by involving the PGR community as much as possible – having a diverse range of feedback and ideas from this year will be an excellent starting point in shaping the design and delivery of our 2017 Festival.'

Having taken place from 12 – 27 May this year, the Festival of Doctoral Research was an inaugural event for the Doctoral College, with the aim of celebrating the University’s doctoral research/researchers, and bringing together the postgraduate research (PGR) community.

A reminder of the events which ran throughout the Festival period can be found in the programme , and you can catch up on many of the events from this year’s Festival on the homepage .

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