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The University of Southampton
Doctoral College

New PGR Conversational Group to start 9 Feb

Published: 18 January 2017

Doctoral researchers are invited to join a new conversational group, starting 9 February.

This new initiative, run by Enabling Services , and supported by the Doctoral College , will bring together the same group of doctoral researchers each week to discuss issues important to them.

Taking place at Highfield Campus, the group will meet each Thursday from 9 February – 16 March, 2017.

Aline Giordano, Doctoral College Manager, said:

‘Come and share your thoughts, your personal and interpersonal experience as a doctoral researcher, or just come and listen to your peers do exactly that and then reflect together.

‘We know that studying for a PhD can be tough and sometimes you might need to step away from it and reconnect with others in a more humane way. The conversation group is an intimate group that aims to enable doctoral researchers to make meaningful connections with each other in a safe environment’.

The PGR Conversation Group is being launched as a direct outcome of the PGR Wellbeing Project . It is hoped that conversational groups will be created on other campuses in the future.

Find more information here and contact Enabling Services if you have any queries

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