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The University of Southampton
Doctoral College

Realising your full potential: the power of 'wonder' with Francesco Dimitri

Francesco Dimitri was our guest speaker at this year's Festival of Doctoral Research.

In both his lecture and follow-up workshops, Francesco spoke passionately about harnessing your sense of wonder and pushing forward in times of adversity.

He touched on issues affecting doctoral researchers and offered practical solutions which related not only to PhD study, but also to the journey afterwards, whether in or outside of academia.

Catch up

If you missed Francesco's lecture, you can catch up any time using the link below. The lecture runs for approximately 1 hour 15 mins.

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Theme: Realising your full potential

A PhD is a journey, and when it is over, another journey begins - a longer and more difficult one. While exciting, the PhD journey and the road afterwards can also be daunting. We are going to meet rough patches, doubt, frustrations big and small; when we try to get published, when we feel our work piling on top of us or when we feel we haven't achieved as much as our peers. How can we keep our eyes set on our goal?

A sense of wonder

The answer, one answer, is by cultivating our sense of wonder. From Plato to Einstein, scientists and philosophers agree that that a sense of wonder is the common source of all human adventures; it motivates us to look into microscopes, to create better computers, or immerse ourselves into ancient myths and the pleasures of the arts. And when the going gets tough, it is our sense of wonder that makes us resilient.

A black and white photo of Francesco Dimitri
Come and explore 'the power of wonder' with Francesco Dimitri

Francesco Dimitri

Francesco Dimitri is a writer, speaker, and business storytelling consultant, originally from Southern Italy.

He has written in many different forms (fiction, nonfiction, comics, cinema, digital media, essays, magazines), and worked for top corporate clients. His last book in Italian has been hailed by Il Corriere della Sera as the beginning of a new wave, and a film based on his first novel will be in Italian cinemas by the end of 2016. He lives in London, where he now writes in English. He is faculty member of the School of Life .

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