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The University of Southampton
Doctoral College

Tips for Continuing a Supervisory Relationship at a Distance

By Dr Heather Mackenzie, Manager - Doctoral College Professional Development Programme

As we are all trying our best to continue our supervisory relationships at a distance, we thought it might be useful to share some tips from supervisors and PGRs about how to make this work successfully. Some of these are good ideas for working together generally, but especially in these unusual times, and others apply specifically to working together at a distance. These may well be things you are already doing, and how you manage the supervisory relationship at a distance is going to need to be tailored to the circumstances you and your PGRs are in. Individual research projects will be affected differently by the current situation, as will the personal circumstances of both PGRs and supervisors.  For research projects that are primarily lab-based the current situation will be especially challenging and we recognise this.  However it is also the reason why it is especially important to maintain a close supervisory relationship and open discussion about the challenges that you need to overcome. In all situations, however, it’s going to be important that you keep in regular contact with each other.

Quick Links:

Preparing to face new challenges

Having successful remote supervisory meetings

Other tips for a successful remote supervisory relationship

Preparing to face new challenges:

Having successful remote supervisory meetings:

Other tips for a successful remote supervisory relationship:

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