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The University of Southampton
Economics Part of Economic, Social and Political Science

Large NORFACE grant to study Migration in Europe

Published: 26 August 2009

Members of the economics division have been awarded a large grant of €850,000 for a two year research programme on migration funded by NORFACE (New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Co-operation in Europe), which is a partnership between fourteen research councils to increase co-operation in research and research policy in Europe.

Dr Jackie Wahba (Principal Investigator), Dr Christian Schluter , Professor Xavier Mateos and Dr Hector Calvo Pardo from the economics division will collaborate with 3 European partner institutions: University of Stockholm (Professor Yves Zenou), University of Münster (Professor Mark Trede) and the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (Dr Govert Bijwaard).

The research programme entitled “Understanding migration choices” seeks to contribute to a better understanding of the key drivers of migrants’ choices and the constraints they face, thereby enhancing the evidence base for policy formulation.

To find out more about the funding please visit NORFACE .

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