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The University of Southampton
Economics Part of Economic, Social and Political Science

Enhancing Southampton’s research impact

Published: 18 December 2012

A new team has been created at the University of Southampton to bring together world-leading researchers with key policy-makers and practitioners.

Public Policy@Southampton is an external facing, public engagement team that aims to increase the reach and impact of research from all areas of the University of Southampton.

Based in Social, Human and Mathematical Sciences, Public Policy@Southampton is a resource that can be used by academics from all faculties across the University.

Director Professor Gerry Stoker said: “There is a wealth of excellent research going on across the University of Southampton. At Public Policy@Southampton we want to help link researchers with key policy-makers to address issues of social, cultural, economic and political importance.

“We hope that by creating these relationships the excellent work being done at Southampton will have an influence on policy not just nationally but also internationally.”

The team has already held its first successful event – a two day event focusing on The Effect of Austerity on Active Citizenship in Europe, led by Dr Bryony Hoskins , Senior Lecturer in Education.

On day one the principal findings of the project and their implications for policy were presented at the Houses of Parliament, followed by a panel discussion and audience question and answer session.

On day two a seminar was held at the University bringing together researchers from across Europe. They discussed the findings and themes arising from the different regions of Europe and future research prospects. David Kerr, of the Citizenship Foundation, gave a keynote speech.

Public Policy@Southampton has also launched a Policy Commissions competition that sees £30,000 funding available to be awarded to policy commissions led by University of Southampton researchers.

University of Southampton applicants can bid for between £5,000 - £15,000 to fund activities that will move debates forward and formulate practical policy recommendations.

To find out more about Public Policy@Southampton go to

To find out more about the Policy Commissions competition, open to all researchers at the University go to

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