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The University of Southampton
Economics Part of Economic, Social and Political Science

Economics Lecturer secures PhD funding for Economic History Project

Published: 4 April 2013

The Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute have announced that they have awarded Craig Lambert, Anne Curry and Helen Paul (Economics) a doctoral award to be hosted by the Faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics.

The studentship is tenable for a maximum of three years, commencing October 2013, at the rate of £10,500 pa. It will be advertised shortly on .

The project is entitled: English Seafarer Communities in the Later Middle Ages: A Study in the Socio-Economics of an Occupational Group

Taking as its subject the shipmasters, shipowners and mariners (the ship-board community) of fourteenth-century England the PhD will draw on the principal records that relate to seafarer society at this time and will use these sources to investigate the social composition, economic standing and internal dynamics of those sections of society that depended on seafaring for their livelihoods.

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