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0801 Professor A. L. Bowley's Theory of the Representative Method (J. Aldrich)
0902 Employment Protection Legislation & Job Stability: European Cross Country Analysis (S. Cazes & M. Tonin)
0908 Trade Liberalisation, Market Structure and the Incentive to Merge (M.J. Chalkley & G. Stewart)
0912 On the Determinants of TFP Growth Evidence from Spanish Manufacturing Firms (C. Ornaghi & F. Castiglionesi)
0913 Illegal Migration Wages & Remittances Semiparametric Estimation of Illegality Effects (C. Schluter & J. Wahba)
0914 Implicit Amenity Prices and the Location of Retirees in England and Wales (G. Stewart)
0917 Immigration and Displacement Across Local Labour Markets (C. Giulietti)
0920 Long Lived Effects of Hiistoric Climate on Wealth of Nations (J. Bluedorn, A. Valentinyi, M. Vlassopoulos)
0921 The Maintenance of British Slaving Forts in Africa (H. Paul)
0922 Archibald Hutcheson's Reputation as an Economic Thinker (H. Paul)
0923 Politicians and Public Reaction to the South Sea Bubble: Preaching to the Converted? (H. Paul)
0924 The South Sea Company's Slaving Activities (H. Paul)
0925 The Darien Scheme and Anglophobia in Scotland (H. Paul)
0926 Women's Careers in Economic History in the UK (H. Paul)
1001 International Trade and the Incentive for Merger (G. Stewart & M. Chalkley)
1003 Sequential Exporting (F. Albornoz, H.C. Pardo, G. Corcos & E. Ornelas)
1004 In-Work Benefits and Unemployment (A. S. Kolm & M. Tonin)
1005 Innovation and Competition in a Memory Process (J. A. Correa)
1006 Structural Analysis of Disappointment Aversion in a Real Effort Competition (D. Gill & V. Prowse)
1008 An Experimental Investigation of Intrinsic Motivations for Giving (M. Tonin & M. Vlassopoulos)
1014 Estimating Continuous Time Income Models (C. Schluter & M. Trede)
1015 Migration Skill Composition and Growth (E. Lotti, K. Young-Bae & P. Levine)
1016 Import Tariffs Enforcement with Low Administrative Capacity (M. Tonin)
1018 Too Low to be True: the Use of Minimum Thresholds to Fight Tax Evasion (M. Tonin)
1019 Bounded Rationality in Finite Automata (C. A. Ioannou)
1101 A novel computerized real effort task based on sliders (D.Gill. & V. Prowse)
1106 Group Outcomes and Reciprocity (C.A. Ioannou, S. Qi & A. Rustichini)
1107 Gender Differences and Dynamics in Competition: the Role of Luck (D. Gill & V. Prowse)
1207 A Test Of Social Preferences Theory (C.A. Ioannou & S. Qi & A. Rustichini)
1209 Strategic Learning With Finite Automata Via The EWA-Lite Model (C.A. Ioannou & J. Romero)
1210 An Empirical Investigation On Repression In Sub Saharan Africa (S. Nurmikko)
1212 Social Incentive Matter Evidence from an Online Real Effort Experiment (M. Tonin & M. Vlassopoulos)
1213 Underreporting of Earnings and the Minimum Wage Spike (M. Tonin)
1214 The Composition of Wage Differentials Between Migrants and Natives (P. Nanos & C. Schluter)
1215 Aggregate Information and the Centipede Game: a Theoretical and Experimental Study (Z. Maniadis)
1301 In Work Benefits and the Nordic Model (A. Kolm & M. Tonin)
1303 Sharing One's Fortune? An Experimental Study on Earned Income and Giving (M. Tonin & M. Vlassopoulos)
1306 Cheating in the Workplace: An Experimental Study of the Impact of Bonuses (M. Vlassopoulos, V.Prowse & D.Gill)
1312 Do High-income or Low-income Immigrants Leave Faster? (G. Bijwaard & J. Wahba)
1314 One Swallow Doesn't Make Summer: New Evidence on Anchoring Effects (Z. Maniadis, F. Tufano & J. List)
1401 An Experimental Study Of Uncertainty In Coordination Games (C.A. Ioannou & M. Makris)
1402 Bank Characteristics And The Interbank Money Market. A Distributional Approach (G. Iori, B. Kapar & J. Olmo)
1403 Concern For Relative Standing and Deception (S. Galanis & M. Vlassopoulos)
1404 How the Wage Education Profile got More Convex: Evidence From Mexico (C. Binelli)
1405 A Generalized Approach To Belief Learning In Repeated Games (C.A. Ioannou & J. Romero)
1408 College Admission and High School Integration (F. Estevan, T. Gall, P. Legros & A. Newman)
1412 Mismatch, Rematch and Investment (T. Gall, P. Legros & A. Newman)
1414 Endogenous Non Tradable Earnings and Households Demand For Risky Assets (L.Arrondel & H. Calvo-Pardo)
1415 Subjective Return Expectations, Information and Stock Market Participation (L. Arrondely, H. Calvo-Pardo & D. Tas)
1416 The Sources of the Gender Gap in Economics Enrolment (M.Tonin & J.Wahba)
1417 Why Give Away Your Wealth: An Analysis Of The Billionaires View (J.Sadeh, M.Tonin & M.Vlassopoulos)
1506 An Experimental Study of Uncertainty in Coordination Games (C. A. Ioannou & M. Makris)
1507 - Food Abstention, Religious Observance & Prosocial Behavior: Evidence from Ramadan (C. A. Ioannou et al)
1511 Strategic Asset Allocation Revisited (Ricardo Laborda & Jose Olmo)
1702 Informative Social Interactions (Luc Arrondel, Hector Calvo-Pardo, Chryssi Giannitsarou & Michael Haliassos)
1801 The Effects of the Universal Metering Programme on Water Consumption, Welfare and Equity
1802 Water Tariffs and Consumers¿ Inaction (Carmine Ornaghi & Mirco Tonin)
1901 The impact of labour market discrimination on welfare dependency of second generation immigrants in the UK
2305 Lady Justice: The impact of female judges on jury trials verdicts in North Carolina
2306 Acquisitions, Inventors' Turnover, and Innovation: Evidence from the Pharmaceutical Industry
2401 Female Mayors and Corruption Scandals: an RDD Approach with Italian Data
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