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Economic, Social and Political Science
Discussion papers in economics and econometrics, 2010
1001 International Trade and the Incentive for Merger (G. Stewart & M. Chalkley)
1002 Syntactic Foundations for Unawareness of Theorems (S. Galanis)
1003 Sequential Exporting (F. Albornoz, H.C. Pardo, G. Corcos & E. Ornelas)
1004 In-Work Benefits and Unemployment (A. S. Kolm & M. Tonin)
1005 Innovation and Competition in a Memory Process (J. A. Correa)
1006 Structural Analysis of Disappointment Aversion in a Real Effort Competition (D. Gill & V. Prowse)
1007 Threshold Autoregressions Under Near Integratedness (J. Pitarakis)
1008 An Experimental Investigation of Intrinsic Motivations for Giving (M. Tonin & M. Vlassopoulos)
1009 On the Problem of Inference for Inequality Measures for Heavy-Tailed Distributions (C. Schluter)
1010 Econometrics and Psychometrics - Rivers Out of Biometry (J. Aldrich)
1011 Social Learning with Local Interactions (A. Ianni and A. Guarino)
1012 Reputation in Multi Unit Ascending Auction with Common Values (M. Kwiek)
1013 Competition Among Mass Media (M. Kwiek)
1014 Estimating Continuous Time Income Models (C. Schluter & M. Trede)
1015 Migration Skill Composition and Growth (E. Lotti, K. Young-Bae & P. Levine)
1016 Import Tariffs Enforcement with Low Administrative Capacity (M. Tonin)
1017 The Optimal Choice of Prelaunch Reviewer (D. Gill & D. Sgroi)
1018 Too Low to be True: the Use of Minimum Thresholds to Fight Tax Evasion (M. Tonin)
1019 Bounded Rationality in Finite Automata (C. A. Ioannou)
1020 Property Rights and Efficiency in OLG Models with Endogenous Fertility (A. Schoonbroodt & M. Tertilt)
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