Professor Carol Evans
Visiting Professor
Professor Carol Evans is Pro Vice Chancellor at Griffith University in Australia. During her time in Southampton, Professor Carol Evans was a Professor in Higher Education within Southampton Education School. She was co-director of the Centre for Higher Education at Southampton (CHES).
She is a Principal Fellow (PFHEA) and National Teaching Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA). Carol is an Associate of the HEA and the International Officer for the Committee of the Association of National Teaching Fellows (CANTF). She is also a visiting Fellow at the UCL, Institute of Education, London.
Carol is Editor-in-Chief of the Higher Education Pedagogies Journal ( www.tandfonline.con/rhep ), and Associate Editor for the British Journal of Educational Psychology Journal. Carol is an editorial board member for the Journal of Educational Psychology and the Thinking Skills and Creativity Journal.
Carol is an Institute for Learning Innovation and Development (ILIaD) Associate, and a University mentor. At Southampton, working with colleagues across the University, she is helping to support the development of assessment and feedback policy and practice. She has established the Researching Assessment Practices Group (RAP) at Southampton to champion the promotion and dissemination of effective assessment and feedback practice.
Carol is passionate about enhancing learning and teaching in higher education, school, and workplace environments. Her current projects include research on individual differences in learning, assessment, resilience, and student engagement in learning. She is especially interested in the role of individual differences in learning. Carol’s main research focus and passion is on how an understanding of Cognitive Styles through the use of the Personal Learning Styles Pedagogy approach (PLSP) can enhance learning and teaching and her research integrating cognitive styles and assessment practice is unique in this respect. Her most recent work has focused on the development of inclusive participatory pedagogies as exemplified by the Personal Learning Styles Pedagogy approach (Evans & Waring, 2009, 2014):
- Waring, M., & Evans, C. (2015). Understanding Pedagogy: Developing a Critical Approach to Teaching and Learning . Abingdon, Oxford: Routledge.
- Making Sense of Assessment Feedback Practice in Higher Education (Evans, 2013) is published in Review of Educational Research and is available to download free.
- Recent work on the development of cognitive styles can be found at ( Cognitive style as environmentally sensitive individual differences in cognition: a modern synthesis and applications in education, business and management. Psychological Science in the Public Interest , 15(1), 3-33).
Previous roles have included President of the Education, Learning, Styles, Individual differences Network; Host of the ASPIRE Research Network (University Accrediting Staff Professionalism in Research-Led Education) and Head of Teacher Education at the University of Exeter; Senior Lecturer at The Kent, Surrey, and Sussex Deanery (KSS), University of London; Assistant Director of Learning and Teaching (ITE) at the UCL Institute of Education London, and development and co-ordination of the Masters PGCE programme at Durham University. She has also worked as an Educational Adviser to Medical Consultants and has spent over 22 years in a variety of roles from classroom teacher to senior manager in schools.
If you are interested in developing assessment feedback practice and in using an understanding of cognitive styles to advance learning and teaching, please do contact Carol at