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Southampton Education School
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Miss Jessica Charlotte Spurrell

Talk to US! Manager

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Jessica Spurrell is the manager of the Talk to US! public engagement project hosted by the University of Southampton Education school, one of 12 national School-University Partnership Initiatives (SUPIs) funded by RCUK and co-ordinated by the NCCPE. She is also a Postgraduate Research Student within the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Southampton. Her experience includes:

Research interests

Talk to US!

Talk to US! is a four year project funded by Research Councils UK (RCUK) which aims to develop engagement between Southampton University and local secondary schools, and motivate young people from a diversity of backgrounds to be excited about cutting-edge research and raise their aspirations for further study and future lives. Early career researchers have opportunities to develop their transferable skills through training and by working with school students. The initiative also aims to engage teachers in ways that have maximum impact on teaching quality and learning while encouraging and supporting teachers to take leading roles in the project development. The University of Southampton’s Education School is working with Bitterne Park School in Southampton and Wildern-Hounsdown Teaching School in Hampshire, which are recognised for their outstanding performance. The partnership will also encourage involvement of schools which seldom engage in university outreach activities. The project involves researchers from across the University in Education, Medicine, Engineering, Oceanography, Chemistry and Biological Sciences. It aims to:

  • provide professional development for teachers to help them build a research culture for themselves and their students,
  • provide professional development for university researchers on how best to engage with teenagers,
  • link research activities with the school curriculum,
  • encourage school students to share their experiences of carrying out research projects, through an end of year exhibition of their work.

Other research interests

Postgraduate research: Superconducting power transmission and distribution as part of CERN LHC upgrade.

MEng 4th year project (with Onera, Toulouse): Hybrid rocket fuel injection.

MEng 3rd year project: The Anaconda wave energy converter.

Advisory group for development of UTC Cryogenics module with STFC and the British Cryogenics Council .

NCCPE Engage Award Assessment

Miss Jessica Charlotte Spurrell
Room 2091, Southampton Education School, Building 32,
University of Southampton, Highfield Campus, Southampton, Hampshire, U.K. SO17 1BJ

Room Number : 23

Miss Jessica Charlotte Spurrell's personal home page
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