PGR Student Conference 2018
The PGR student conference was held at Southampton Education School on 19th June 2018 and proved a great success with students and staff.
Massive thanks to the student reps Vivienne Rwang and Jingwen Wu and the conference organising committee (Julio Carrillo, Yerkhan Mindetbay, Sazlyni Mohd Sazlly Lim, Aida Binti A. Rahman and Rosmalily Binti Salleh) as well as everyone who participated for making it so!
The conference theme was 'Creativity in research – the student experience' and it was attended by students from across the Faculty as well as by a number of Education Master's students. Framed by thought-provoking keynotes from our very own Drs Lewthwaite and Bokhove, PGR students at various stages in their projects gave intriguing and inspiring presentations in which they shared their experiences with a host of issues and challenges and how they tackled them. The conference concluded with a discussion forum during which a range of issues were picked up and explored in more detail. All in all, it was a highly rewarding experience greatly enjoyed by students and staff. So much so that the students are determined to host more regular academic and social events throughout the year. Watch this space.
For more photos, view our Google Photo Album .