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Southampton Education School

Ofsted’s Chief inspector, Amanda Spielman, speaks at Southampton Education School’s Annual Lecture

Published: 18 October 2018
Amanda Spielman

Southampton Education School welcomed Her Majesty's Chief Inspector Amanda Spielman, to give her speech entitled 'Towards a new inspection conversation' at the 2018 Annual Lecture.

Taking place on Wednesday 17th October, Amanda Spielman set out the vision for the new Education Inspection Framework from Ofsted. This new framework will move Ofsted’s focus away from headline data to look instead at how schools are achieving these results, and whether they are offering a curriculum that is broad, rich and deep, or simply teaching to the test.

Ofsted has a renewed focus on using evidence to guide decision-making with a research team led by Professor Daniel Muijs. Until recently, Daniel was a researcher in the Education School and is now a Visiting Professor.

Over 200 senior leaders and teachers from schools and colleges and education partners of Southampton Education School attended the event to hear about the new framework for inspection. Some of the attendees included The Association for Science Education, Marwell Wildlife, Winchester Science Centre, The Mary Rose Trust as well as staff and students from the Education School.

Head of Southampton Education School, Professor Martin Dyke said, “I found the lecture - A New Inspection Conversation - really refreshing particularly the emphasis on supporting schools not only making a judgement.  To me this feels as if we could be turning a corner, starting a new approach to inspection.   We are all looking forward to participating in the consultation on the new inspection framework.”

Panel discussion

Following Amanda Spielman's speech, the audience had the opportunity to ask questions of a panel comprised of Amanda Spielman, Professor Muijs and Chris Russell , Ofsted Regional Director, South East.

Stuart Woods, Headteacher at Upper Shirley High School, Southampton and Chair of the Southampton Education Forum attended the lecture and said:

“I was pleased to hear updates on the multiple research methods which underpin the new framework and its new direction spotlighting the substance of curriculum. Certainly, the extended preparation and implementation of the new framework signals a thoughtful and methodical approach from the Ofsted strategy team and this is welcomed. The (re-shaped) four key areas of overall effectiveness demonstrate Ofsted’s determination to champion quality through learning conversations with leaders; and so hold learners in the highest esteem. I think the rigorous backing of evidence-based-research could do much to calm the waters of other recent educational changes. And, whilst undoubtedly no less ambitious in its aims than its predecessors, the new framework, with its pervading intelligence and focus, feels different. Just how different, we’ll soon find out. Thank you also to Amanda for her genuine interest in the innovative improvement work of Southampton Education Forum.’

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