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The University of Southampton
Southampton Education School

CLEAPSS Supporting Safe and Successful GCSE Biology Event

09:30 - 15:30
3 April 2014
Mathematics and Science Learning Centre Level 3, Building 29 Highfield Campus University of Southampton SO17 1BJ

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Mathematics and Science Learning Centre on 02380 598810 or email .

Event details

This one day course is for teachers and technicians who want to improve their skills with the Biology practicals in current GCSE Science, and provide ideas on the delivery of the wide range of specified practicals.

Why come on this course?
This one day course is for teachers and technicians who want to improve their skills with the Biology practicals in current GCSE Science, and would like ideas on:

  • The delivery of the wide range of specified practicals
  • Using practical work to revisit topics, so helping pupils prepare for linear examination
  • Developing “How Science Works” (HSW) * skills, so that students perform better in exams
  • The practicals on the course are specified by all the current GCSE specifications, so will be relevant to all.

*see CLEAPSS document “How Science Works in School Science” (TL013)

What will we do on the course?
The activities are all “hands on”, so please bring a lab coat.
The course will cover:

  • How to manage the large number of practicals suggested or required for GCSE
  • Using “spiral practicals” to revisit ideas, to support pupils preparation for linear courses
  • Using practical approaches to develop HSW skills
  • How teamwork between teachers and technicians is essential for the successful delivery of practicals

The example practicals will be taken from Core and Additional Science, as well as the separate Biology specifications. The use of IT to obtain and analyse data will be considered throughout the course.

Course Fee: £95.00 per person attending
This is for a full day of professional development, all CLEAPSS course resources, lunch and refreshments.

CLEAPSS courses are intended for CLEAPSS members - if you are uncertain about your membership please contact CLEAPSS on 01895 251496. An additional charge may be payable for non-members attending courses.

Speaker information

Mary Philpott,CLEAPSS,CLEAPSS Trainer

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